38th annual Apple Festival slated for Oct. 2-3 in downtown Erwin

Published 9:35 am Monday, September 28, 2015

Unicoi County Chamber of Commerce is hosting its 38th annual Apple Festival on Friday and Saturday, Oct 2-3, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. along five city blocks and adjoining streets in downtown Erwin.
The event features handmade crafts, antiques, entertainment, a children’s festival, a Blue Ridge Pottery show and sale, contests and food.
The festival draws more than 110,000 annual attendees and has consistently been named one of the Southeast Tourism Society’s Top 20 events, and it is a three-time Northeast Tennessee Tourism Association Pinnacle Award winner.
The craft festival hosts more than 350 national vendors that wil line the streets showcasing arts, crafts and food.
Three stages will priovide continuous live entertainment. The Gospel Stage is sponsored by Johnson City Toyota, Bath Planet, CrestPoint Health and Madaris Siding and Windows. The Commons Area Stage will feature bluegrass, acoustic, country, cover bands and rock music. It is sponsored in part by Ambrosound, American Home Builders, BlueGreen Vacations, Blood Assurance, CenturyLink, Nuclear Fuel Services and Select Seven Credit Union.
Barbecue, Chinese, hamburgers, Greek, apple pies and dumplings are just a few of the options available from food vendors at three food courts with tables and chairs.
The children’s festival, located in the parking lot of Erwin Town Hall, features rides, games, concessions and much more. It is sponsored by Unicoi County Family YMCA and will offer attractions like The Fun Factory’s Adrenalin Rush, Bungee Run, Joust, Saber-Tooth TigerSlide, Bungee Trampoline and the King Kong Slide. It is open to children and adults of all ages. Children will also have an opportunity to board the train ride, which has been a favorite in the past.
Attendees of all ages may participate in a myriad of contests over the weekend. Children can compete for the title of Apple Dumpling of the Year as part of the Apple Dumpling Contest fundraiser. In a partnership with the Erwin Record, the Chamber will host the ninth annual Apple Festival Photography Contest for amateur photographers to compete for prizes and ribbons in various divisions.
There will also be a tennis tournament hosted by Farm Bureau Insurance, and an Oct. 3 Nuclear Fuel Services Apple Festival 4-mile race and 2-mile race walk.
New this year is the Apple Festival Cornhole Tournament on Oct. 3 in the grassy area at the Corner of Love and Church Streets near the Gospel Stage.
Blue Ridge Pottery collectors and first-time admirers will enjoy the 36th annual Blue Ridge Pottery show and sale at Unicoi County Intermediate School. Blue Ridge Pottery originated in Unicoi County and is now a worldwide collectors item. Rare pieces are often present at the show.
From Interstate 26, take Exit 37 into downtown Erwin, where a plethora of parking spaces will be available.
Pets, skateboards and bicyces are not allowed.
For more information, contact the Unicoi County Chamber of Commerce at 423-743-3000, visit unicoicounty.org or stop by the Chamber at 100 S. Main Ave.

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