Woman’s Club seeks vendors for Christmas Craft Show

Published 5:12 pm Friday, September 9, 2016

Star File Photo  The annual Christmas Craft Show sponsored by the Elizabethton Woman's Club features a variety of hand-crafted items such as jewelry available for purchase. The Club is currently accepting vendor applications for the event.

Star File Photo
The annual Christmas Craft Show sponsored by the Elizabethton Woman’s Club features a variety of hand-crafted items such as jewelry available for purchase. The Club is currently accepting vendor applications for the event.

Calling all crafters! The Elizabethton Woman’s Club is looking for craft vendors to take part in this year’s annual Christmas Craft Show.
Each year, the Woman’s Club hosts the craft show as their largest fundraiser of the year.
The show provides a way for the Club to raise funds for their charity and outreach programs while also providing an opportunity for local crafters to showcase and sell their products. The Club raises money through a vendor fee each crafter pays for their table space and then the crafters keep the money they make from sales.
This year’s Christmas Craft Show will be held on Friday, Nov. 11 and Saturday, Nov. 12, from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. each day at the Elizabethton Parks and Recreation Center, located at 300 W. Mill Street.
The Elizabethton Woman’s Club is now accepting applications for vendors to take part in the event.
“You do not have to be a member of the club to participate in the show,” EWC member Jo Voigt said.
The cost to rent a booth space for the craft show is $60 per each 10 foot by 10 foot block. A limited number of tables are available to rent at a cost of $10 each.
Voigt said electrical outlets are limited at the Recreation Center but the Club tries to accommodate all vendors who need electricity. Those vendors who will need electricity are asked to indicate their need on the application.
Booth numbers are assigned upon registration and are on a first-come, first-served basis, Voigt said.
Crafters of all types are accepted for the event. “We’ll have a variety of crafts: bead jewelry and other varieties of jewelry; Christmas decorations; wreaths; pet items; needle work of various varieties; hand painted items; decorated gourds; art work; three dimensional art; stained glass; baskets; baby’s things; quilts; afghans; primitive wood crafts; and quilling for starters,” Voigt said.
Vendors new to the EWC Christmas Craft Show are asked to submit at least one photograph of the crafts the vendor plans to sell. Crafters who have participated in the show before are not required to send in a photo of their handiwork. Flea market or manufactured items are not allowed as part of the show.
The deadline to apply to participate in the show is Oct. 22 and registration must be paid in full by that time. “In the past we’ve not stuck to that deadline but this year we are,” Voigt said.
Applications are available for pickup at the Parks and Recreation Center on Mill Street.
For more information on the Elizabethton Woman’s Club or the Christmas Craft Show, contact Jo Voigt at 423-297-8355.

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