Author unveils new prayer book for President Trump
Published 6:17 pm Wednesday, March 29, 2017
A new book published this month is aiming to be a remedy for those feeling discouraged about the 24/7 news cycle covering national politics.
Prayers for Trump, written by Charles M. Garriott, highlights the importance of specific and intelligent prayer for those who hold public office.
“There are countless books published on the topic of prayers,” said Garriott. “With that said, every new generation can benefit from such writings which will help them consider prayer in their life context. We all need the reminder to pray not only from a personal perspective, but in concert with the teaching of the Old and New Testament.”
Garriott, a Maryland native, received his education from the University of Baltimore and Covenant Theological Seminary. For over 20 years, he pastored in Oklahoma and preached overseas in areas such as South Africa, Central Europe, Asia and Haiti.
Currently, the author has a ministry service in place that works with individuals in government settings across the globe.
“Since 2003 I have developed a ministry to people in government here in Washington, D.C., domestic and international capitals,” he said. “A part of that ministry is to help the church know better how to relate and pray for those in leadership. On occasion, we host dinner parties at our home for those who live and work in D.C. One party was dedicated to knowing how to pray for a president. It was in preparation for such a gathering that the concept of developing specific prayer from the book of Proverbs for the president was presented. In time I used that gathering and selected the Proverbs as an out for the book that is now called Prayers for Trump.”
Citing various news reports on politics over the years, whether a candidate is from the Democratic or Republican, holding the nation’s highest office is never easy, according to the author.
“Most would agree that there are few jobs that are as difficult as that of being the United States President,” Garriott said. “The demands and pressure are enormous. for Christians, the call to pray for someone who holds such influence and power must be stewarded well. My hope in writing Prayers for Trump was that the Christian community might be better equipped to carry out their responsibility.”
Dealing with despair across the globe, including Washington, the author said it can leave many cynical and hopeless.
“I never encourage people to place their true trust in any government system nor those elected,” he added. “That said, I do believe it is worth engaging in and doing all we can to improve it. We should get to know those who serve us both in the local, state and the national level. We should help support those that we believe can serve well with integrity. There are many other ways for a citizen to engage in the political process, but none more important than prayer. If what Scriptures teach us is true about the importance and influence of prayer, then it makes sense to use it to benefit those who serve in an elected position.”
Interested purchasers can obtain a copy of the book by visiting and buy a copy of the book for a reduced rate from the publisher. Copies of the book can also be bought by visiting Amazon.
Garriott added he’s got another book coming through the pipeline soon.
“I am working on the completion of another manuscript entitled, Jesus and R.Y. Ruler – Glimpses of the Gospel for Washington Types,” he said. “The book is designed to take various aspects of the gospels — need, humility, rest, love — and apply it to those who serve in Washington.”