Christ: The cure for chaos

Published 8:51 am Friday, May 26, 2017

Chaos according to the dictionary is a state of utter confusion or disorder, and a total lack of organization. The world in which we live is filled with chaos! We can see chaos in homes, marriages, workplaces, government, and yes, sometimes even in the church! Have you ever wondered about the origin of chaos? The Bible tells us in 1 Corinthians 14:33, “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.” So immediately we see that God has never created nor will he ever create chaos. God is a God of order. We can see the order of God all around us.
Our solar system is an example of fantastic order. We can measure the time of the earth’s rotation around the sun with precision and depend upon that as a constant. The same is true regarding the movement of stars, planets, comets and other heavenly bodies. Given that precision, we can predict an eclipse of the sun or moon, the return of a comet, a meteor shower, or any number of other events long in advance with accuracy down to the second. What are the chances of this all falling into place by mere coincidence?
In the beginning . . . there was chaos. Then, God brought light into the darkness, and waters were separated and given boundaries, forming land that brought forth living things and beauty. God created humans to participate in and enjoy the beauty and it was all good. Then the people God made in his own image willfully brought the chaos back, and there was a new darkness, new storms, and new desert places. Now you may already be thinking it was God who placed the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, therefore God brought the potential for chaos to return. He gave man an ultimatum: they could eat of all the trees in the garden except for one, and once they did eat, chaos would be loosed and death imminent. God gave man a choice. Had the tree of knowledge of good and evil not been placed in the garden, mankind would have served because there was no other choice. God desired a people who would choose to love and serve him.
Once Eve was tempted by Satan and ate, and she gave it to Adam to eat, chaos reigned! The land was cursed by God, man would work by the sweat of his face, and women would travail in childbearing. Things changed quickly. All the perfectness and order turned into pandemonium and mayhem. Satan came to steal, kill, and destroy and there is no better method in doing so than chaos! After that original sin, things went completely out of control. Cain rose up and slayed his innocent brother, and the sins of the people multiplied. Daily. In fact, it finally got so bad that God decided to flood the earth and destroy his complete creation. That was until he found one man not living in the chaos. That man was Noah, and because of his righteousness, he and his family was spared allowing humanity to continue. God would push the sins back year after year with the sacrifices of the high priests, but order was not restored. The chaos continued, but God tolerated it after the sacrifice was made on the altar. God created a better plan to restore peace and order when he decided to give his one and only Son to die on a cross taking all the chaos upon himself. When Jesus cried out that it was finished, order had been restored. Mankind can choose to accept the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus and life can be restored to order, peace, and joy, or mankind continue to live in the chaos until it takes everything good ending in death. Jesus made all things new again, and he can make your life new again if you will allow him!
The gospel is a story filled with grace, mercy, and most of all love! From chaos — to created order, peace, and beauty — to chaos — and a long journey back to perfect order. God’s persistent love will once again bring perfect order out of chaos when his Son returns for the second time. In heaven, all order will be restored again like it was in the beginning in the Garden of Eden. We can now see that the creator of all chaos was Lucifer. He stirred up chaos in Heaven and was cast down to the earth. The means he uses to further the chaos in our lives is sin. When we choose to sin, the consequence will always be chaos. 1 Corinthians 14:40 says, “Let all things be done decently and in order.” Maybe you are so tired of the chaos surrounding you and your family. Choose to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, and he will begin to put your life back in order. The Bible says in Psalms 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.” If you submit yourself to the will of God, he can cause the chaos of sin to cease, and the joy and peace of the Lord to fill your life. When we keep our mind and heart upon Christ and off of sin, Isaiah 26:3 explains the end result, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.”
(The Solution Column is provided by Pastor Brandon Young of Harmony Free Will Baptist Church, Hampton, and his associate, Hunter Greene.)

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