Candidates can pick up forms for 2018 election beginning Friday
Published 4:56 pm Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Election season will soon be fully underway in Carter County as candidates can begin picking up their qualification paperwork on Friday.
On May 1, 2018, the Carter County Republican Party and the Carter County Democratic Party will each hold Primary Elections to name their candidates for county offices during the August 2018 General Election.
To qualify as a candidate for either party’s primary election, residents must complete a candidate petition, according to Carter County Administrator of Elections Tracy Harris. Each candidate petition must contain the signatures of at least 25 registered voters in order for the candidate to qualify. Those seeking election to a county-wide office — such as Mayor or Sheriff — can obtain signatures from registered voters residing anywhere in Carter County. Those running for district-specific offices — such as County Commission or Constable — must obtain their 25 signatures from registered voters residing within that district.
So far, Harris said her office has had several phone calls from interested individuals asking about the petitions and when they can pick them up.
Individuals interested in running as independent candidates, having no party affiliation, must also meet the same qualifications and deadlines as those seeking the nomination of either the Republican or Democratic Parties. Independent candidates who qualify will appear on the ballot in the August General Election and do not have to go through the Primary Election process, according to Harris.
Candidates will have until noon on February 15, 2018, to turn their petitions in to qualify for either of the party primaries or as an independent candidate.
Under state law, the offices of Sheriff and Road Superintendent must meet additional standards to qualify as a candidate for those offices. Candidates for those offices must also qualify with state boards for those positions by February 1.
Those wishing to vote in the May 1 Primary Elections for either political party must be registered to vote by April 2. Voters can register at the Carter County Election Commission or can complete their registration online at
“We’ve had 79 people register online since it opened,” Harris said. “That’s in a two-month time frame.”
Voters can also use that website to check their current registration status, update their address, and find their polling location and other information.
The following offices will appear on the ballots for both the Republican Party and Democratic Party Primary Elections on May 1, 2018:
• Carter County Mayor
• Carter County Sheriff
• County Court Clerk
• Circuit Court Clerk
• County Trustee
• Register of Deeds
• Road Superintendent
• Carter County Commissioner — three seats for each of the county’s eight legislative districts
• Constable — two constable positions for each of the county’s eight legislative districts.