It’s your property, but zoning defines what you can do with it

Published 12:46 pm Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Although I thoroughly enjoy my job, sometimes it can be very difficult. Part of my job as the Planning and Economic Development Director is to interpret and make determinations in the city’s zoning code. Often, by the time a citizen or property owner gets to me, I am the one who has to tell them “no” to their intended project. Some typical responses are, “but [whatever the project is] won’t be that big or impact my neighbors” or “you’re telling me that I can’t [whatever the project is] on my property.”
Believe me, there are times that I personally don’t see a problem with a project or think this really won’t impact the neighbors or neighborhood at all. Unfortunately, I do not have the authority to override the city zoning code. But, why even have zoning regulations? Why can’t we just let people do what they want with their property? Well, believe it or not, zoning plays a very important role in the development of a community.
Zoning regulations are in place to help create a city that is attractive, desirable, and has stable property values. We know from the business world that the more retail businesses are concentrated the better they all do. So rather than have them spread randomly throughout the city, concentrating them in specific areas benefits them, city sales taxes, and allows other areas to be developed for other uses. Additionally, some citizens may not want to live right next to Walmart, Star Buildings, or other busy establishments. Zoning helps protect those residents from having a Walmart or a loud factory pop-up in a field next to them.
Zoning regulations are created with an idea of putting a puzzle together. Your house or property is a puzzle piece. Your piece must match and fit with your neighbor’s piece and, collectively, your neighborhood forms a section of the puzzle. Each neighborhood, commercial center, or industrial park is a section of the puzzle and must be compatible and fit together with other sections of the puzzle in order for it to be complete!
Zoning regulations are created with sections of the puzzle in mind so that the puzzle can be completed. So while some may get upset with zoning regulations, it’s important to remember that zoning is looking at your whole neighborhood when making regulations, not your individual piece of the puzzle. And if your individual piece is changed, it cannot fit into your section of the puzzle.
These regulations can be difficult at times and some may even need to be changed, but keep in mind that they are in place for a reason and have a purpose even if you don’t understand how it fits with your small piece of the puzzle. Let’s talk about it!
(Jon Hartman is Director of Planning & Economic Development for the City of Elizabethton. He can be contacted at 423-542-1503 or by email:

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