Reader endorses Day of Prayer as unifying opportunity for nation
Published 9:04 am Wednesday, May 2, 2018
To the Editor:
The 67th annual observance of the National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 3. The National Day of Prayer was created in 1952 by a joint resolution of Congress, and signed into law by President Harry S. Truman at the urging of Rev. Billy Graham. In 1988, the law was unanimously amended by both the House and Senate and signed into law by President Ronald Reagan designating the first Thursday of May as a day of national prayer. Every president since 1952 has signed a National Day of Prayer proclamation.
The National Day of Prayer Task Force says, “Prayer brings people together. Prayer builds bridges between opposing persons and even political parties. Prayer reminds us that we are created in God’s image and He desires for us to represent him everywhere we go. Prayer brings unity. This year in 2018 the theme is Pray for America-Unity, based upon Ephesians 4:3 which challenges us to mobilize unified public prayer for America.” Ephesians 4:3 says, “Making every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.”
Christians need to use every opportunity such as the National Day of Prayer to cry out with one voice for unity for our nation, for our leaders, for revival to sweep our land. Unity, repentance, prayer and revival are needed in America as never before. The Bible says a house divided against itself can’t stand. Prayer is Christians’ GPS, guidance, protection and strength. Perry Stone ( said, “God calls America to repent from its stubborn unbelief and ignorant self-worship.” Evils that cause disunity are pride and selfish self-centered people. Christians are givers and Jesus-centered. Christians must cry out to Jesus for revival for our nation and a outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our churches. The presence of the Holy Spirit is the one essential aspect of all revivals. God wants to do again what he did to start the church in Acts and bring a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our end time churches that are in one accord. Pray for another outpouring. An outpouring of the Holy Spirit will bring unity in the church and healing, boldness to preach the gospel and win souls as never before. Sodom had no Bibles. Those living in Sodom are the last to know they are living in Sodom. “You can ignore reality but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Christians throughout the world have been burdened to pray for America and come as missionaries to America. Unless revival occurs in America it will be more tolerable for Sodom than America during the coming judgment and tribulation. Only Jesus can save America and each of us from the wrath to come! As one pastor said, Christians need to wake-up, pray up, stand up and speak up before we go up!
Some time ago I read on that 1500 medical studies show a direct positive connection between prayer and church attendance and better health and longer lives. Medical studies also found fasting as beneficial for our physical health. The evidence of the power of prayer to God is so overwhelming it caused the conversion of an atheist to faith in the one and only God, Jesus. Researcher Tom Knox is one example of an atheist who became a Christian after studying medicine and faith. Knox said, “What I discovered astonished me. Over the past 30 years a growing and largely unnoticed body of scientific work shows belief is medically, socially and psychologically beneficial. There’s a seven-year difference in life expectancy between those who never attend church and those who attend weekly,” Knox said. Dr. Harold G. Koenig said, “Studies have shown prayer can prevent people from getting sick — and when they do get sick, prayer can help them get better faster.” This proves you can’t out give God. Any time you spend in prayer or in Church, God will give it back many times over. We need it, our families need it, our community needs it, our nation needs it. Spend more time with the One who loves you most — Jesus!
The Bible commands, “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” which is in effect praying for the return of Jesus. Because only Jesus can bring real peace. Rapture is in the air. Many such as myself and believe Jesus is probably returning this year. Although we shouldn’t pick a date we know, “it won’t be as long as it as been.” In these last days before the return of Jesus, the Bible commands Christians to not forsake attending church, to be sober and pray, and above all things have fervent love among yourselves. There’s more persecution of Christians than ever before. We must pray for our persecuted brothers and sisters. People have gotten so evil in America that the Bible for the first time in American history is one of the top challenged books at public libraries and public school libraries. Many in California are trying to pass a law to ban the Bible in their state. The growing and powerful reprobate mind (Romans 1) hates the word of God the Bible, hates the Holy God of Israel, and hates anyone who believes in and loves Jesus. Although we are living in dark days marked by great moral decline and evil ambitions the Bible says God is able to do much more than we could ever ask or imagine. Serious challenges call for serious prayer. John Newton said it best in 1779. Thou art coming to the mightiest King, large request with thee bring, for His grace and power are such, none can ever ask too much!
D.D. Nave