Jesus prayed for unity among men

Published 8:32 am Friday, July 27, 2018

Last week we considered the possibility of fulfilling the prayer of Jesus in John 17. There Jesus prayed for total unity among men. As we consider this topic it is important for us to consider the Word of God and the implications of our beliefs, actions and attitudes on this subject. There is no doubt that each person must become personally responsible to learn and obey the truths found within God’s Word. This being true we then must insist that we base our faith, salvation, mode of worship and personal living on the Word of God and God alone.
Both collectively and individually we must understand that Jesus said He would build His church (Matt. 16:18). This is a singular church of which Jesus is the head of according to (Ephesians 1:22-23). Paul refers to this church as a body in (Ephesians. 4:4). There is no doubt that the use of such a metaphor has important implications. Each human body has but one head and the body properly relating to the head works perfectly together without confusion. There is no other head that can direct the personal movements of my body; so it is with the body of Christ. Jesus is its only head and His Body, the Church, must follow Him alone. Consider Romans 12:9-16. Unity is only possible when we understand and submit to the will of the Father in these issues; this demands that we go to God’s Word with honest and humble minds.
With properly prepared minds we can see the teachings of Jesus, such as the parables, in the same way. This is important for these parables serve to instruct us concerning the desires of God. One such parable is found in Luke 8:4-15, where Jesus helps us to understand how we should respond to the seed, which is the Word of God. In the parable, the seed sown on the wayside never begins the Christian life. Those represented here have no hope. The seed sown on the rocky soil comes up quickly, but temptation causes the believers to soon fall away. This soil begins life but cannot maintain it. The seed sown among the thorns was choked by the cares, riches and pleasures of this life. This seed has no hope of pleasing God and bringing fruits of perfection to God. Finally the seed sown on the good ground represents the seed, God’s Word, the gospel being planted in an “honest and good heart” where the Word is heard, retained in the mind of the hearer and results in fruitfulness for God.
If we have good and honest hearts, we will listen to truth rather than to the doctrines of men. This will lead us to certain unity which was the desire and prayer of Jesus. What is your attitude towards the Word of God? Does it mean all to you or is it a hindrance to your desired way of living and worshipping God? My prayer is that all men will one day have a true desire to resist the teachings of mere men and with honesty seek to fulfill the desires of Deity (UNITY).
(Tony Hoss is minister at the Centerview Church of Christ. He can be contacted at 423-737-2287 or by e-mail at:

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