Some questions for letter writer

Published 10:31 am Wednesday, August 8, 2018

To the editor:
In reference to the letter Sunday from D.D. Nave, I have a request for him. Since you have claimed that the Democrats have so many socialists/communists/Muslims running for office, please send the Star a list of all their names, the state and office which they are seeking, and the facts that support your claim and what is wrong with it.
If you cannot provide this information and the sources from which they were gleaned, I would question the validity of these assumptions.
Second, since you believe people of different walks of life are so horrible, why?
Then, third, please remember this. Your president married into a communist family, brought his communist in-laws to the U. S. and is buddy-buddy with communist leader Vladamir Putin.
And lastly, since the Star gave you about a fourth of a page for your opinion, I guess I have quite a bit left for my equal space.

J.E. Hyder

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