Tent meeting continues in Chuckey
Published 8:12 am Friday, August 17, 2018
Submitted by Sheldon Livesay
Preaching under a new banner Friday night, “Until Victory,” DR Harrison says there is simply no end in sight to the Tent Revival in Chuckey which began its 86th night Monday and has become the talk of East Tennessee.
“Friday marked another benchmark of over 500 people coming to Christ since the beginning of this “move of God,” said Harrison, who has preached all but two nights of the revival.
Churches around the region are wondering how pastors could motivate their members to be willing to support anything for 17 straight weeks and be more exited now than when they began. Even when some of the organizing pastors are amazed at what has happened and they can’t explain it. Pastors Roger Stockton and Nick Bailey, who have played key roles in the revival under the 1,500-seat tent, are without explanation. Services last up to three hours, with some of the men returning at midnight to pray while the women return in the mornings to pray.
Often, visitors just want to see the tent drive on the property located at 1005 Quaker Knob Road. Others have stopped by just to kneel at the primitive wooden altars filled with names of family members those attending the revival have written there and pray over nightly.
Friday night was the largest attended night of the Greeneville Awakening so far, with team members rushing to set up more chairs around the perimeter of the tent for people to sit.
Ninety-five churches were represented Friday night with no end to the meeting in sight. Only one other place in the nation has had extended revival services like this and that is in a church setting in Paris Ky., where the Cane Ridge Revival started in 1801 which prompted the 2nd Great Awakening.