Hyder: In defense of Democrats and the need for birth control

Published 8:43 am Monday, August 20, 2018

To the editor:
This goes to everyone who has a political opinion. This is a part of my equal space.
From observation: 1. Not all Republicans are Christians. 2. Not all Christians are Republicans. 3. Many Democrats are Christians. 4. Many Democrats are not Christians and are of other religions and beliefs, as well as many Republicans.
Next, D.D. Nave did not comment on the fact that Trump married into a communist family, brought these in-laws to the U.S. (chain immigration which trump opposes), and gained their citizenship. Trump also has great praise for Vladamir Putin, leader of a communist country. And, Trump has stated he thinks his rule should continue which is in line with communist rulers.
As to abortion, it was a Republican controlled Supreme Court that legalized abortion. It was the right decision. See reports regarding the Irish woman who was under a no abortion law except in the case of danger of the mother’s life. By the time it was determined she needed an abortion, she had taken sepsis from her partial miscarriage and died. The best solution, as I see it, is educate early about reproduction (sex), birth control, and contraception, which has shown not to increase promiscuity, but prevent abortion. There are many methods of contraception (birth control) and these should be supplied to men and women at little or no cost. The man is as responsible for pregnancy as a woman and should be held as accountable as the woman. I do not like abortion, and have never had one. (Yes, I, J.E. Hyder, am a woman). But young people, women, and men should be offered contraception as soon as they are sexually active. Abstinence DOES NOT WORK. This would also prevent, hopefully, babies born with drug dependence.
We have laws regarding immigration, but stealing innocent children from a parent is not the solution. We cannot take care of every person in all the world, but we need to develop a strategy to make this world a better place.
Your statement regarding the news media lumping all religions in the same pot, is grossly incorrect. Please read and gather information regarding this misinformation.
Christianity is based on the acceptance of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, who became the Savior of the world by becoming a living sacrifice on the cross. He was persecuted because He brought a message which did not go along with the practices of the “Church.” Three main tenants of salvation are repentance, acceptance, and believing in him, and then show love and care for others that He illustrated while on earth. By their fruits shall ye know them.
In our country, other religions have their tenants, and some people have no religion, but we live in peace and freedom under the same flag. We do not fight each other and kill each other because we don’t agree with another belief. This is how our forefathers designed our wonderful Constitution, giving us our freedoms, but also gives us our responsibilities. I thank them each time I salute the flag and our national anthem is played.
I know what I say will have no impact on died-in-the-wool Republicans. And I know that the Democratic platform today, is basically what the Republican party used to stand on years ago. Things have reversed themselves. I recommend choosing your party on how it helps and supports the citizens of the U.S. today. And look at the party that has helped all the people, and does not solely benefit those who are filthy rich, who just compete to be richer than each other. I love my country. I vote in each election to fulfill my obligation to my country. And I support candidates I know that want to protect and defend the great country in which we live.

J.E. Hyder

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