Reader opposed to proposed Equality Act

Published 8:39 am Monday, January 14, 2019

To the Editor:
Some Republicans retired because of death threats and the Democrats retook control of the U.S. House of Representatives. Nancy Pelosi will again be Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives. She is 78 years old and served as Speaker from 2007 to 2011. The Democrat Party voted her to be Speaker for the next two years. Townhall’s Guy Benson said Pelosi has a 100 percent pro-abortion rating from both NARAL and Planned Parenthood. It’s strange Pelosi supports abortion all nine months but calls a border wall immoral. Pelosi has said her priorities will be investigating President Trump and getting The Equality Act passed to give Civil Rights to LGBT.
According to Nancy Pelosi (Democrat representing San Francisco, Calif.) Pelosi vows action on LGBT issues if Democrats retake the House of Representatives in the November 6 election. “Pelosi told the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard that the Equality Act will be one of her top priorities. The Equality Act would add sexual orientation and gender identity to the list of classes protected by the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which already includes race, color, religion, sex and national origin. The law also bans gender discrimination in shops, healthcare, loans, housing and jury discrimination.” The most controversial aspect of the bill prevents employers and retailers from withholding services based on the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act that protected religious Americans from government intrusion into their religious practices.
The Family Research Council is concerned about its impact on Christians. Their senior legal analyst Mary Beth Wadell said, “The current law in civil rights and the protected classes are inborn and unchangeable characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, etc., and religion, which is expressly protected under the constitution. What the Equality Act does is it turns it on its head and allows the government to impose a belief system about sexual decisions and sexual behavior on the nation.” The LGBT will use this anti-science Equality Act to persecution and silence Christians in America who are against same-sex marriage and letting transgenders use any restroom. LGBT leaders have said after we get Civil Rights we will go to court and shut down churches. Many LGBT consider those who don’t join in their same-sex marriage or gender change celebrations as haters. Christians speak the truth and don’t hate anyone but “to those who hate the truth the truth is hate.” The Bible teaches it’s the deliverance from temptation Christians and churches must celebrate, not its proud and eager embrace. God does have a right to take away a same-sex couple’s right to be joined in holy matrimony because He alone decides what is holy. What God has joined, let no one put asunder. What God has never allowed joined, let no man join!

D.D. Nave

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