Public records belong to you, the taxpayer

Published 9:03 am Wednesday, March 13, 2019

(Sunshine Week is March 10-15. We are one of many newspapers across the country, which will publish stories about public records.)
Public Records: documents made by a government agency which are required to be kept and maintained.
Reporters love them. They form the backbone of many news stories. A reporter’s pay can be based on drumming up stories so public records are of great value. Watch the newsroom waters churn when juicy public records are thrown in! Political scandal, big names, big money, controversy, sex or violence! Hold on to your boat! Those fish bite hard man!
Reporters can do a whole story on a public record. Example: A psychiatrist gets his license revoked by the State for having sex with a patient. Oh, that’s a good one — story! Hold the press! Translate the legalese into everyday English, get a couple of comments from participants and it might be on the front page the next day.
“Unnamed sources,” “it was reported,” “some people say” — just can’t compare to the black and white of a mug shot, lawsuit or your mayor’s e-mails — all public records.
Attorneys love them. They can be a primary source of evidence. Peruse any lawsuit and you will see attorneys demanding the other side produce documents. The code language of attorneys, Latin, even has a phrase for demanding documents, Subpoena duces tecum: “A command for a witness to appear in court and produce documents.” As soon as the documents are entered into the court file they become a public record.
Private investigators love them. They are an essential element of some investigative agencies. By checking public records alone, an investigator can find criminal histories, lawsuits, property, habits, whereabouts, affiliations, reputation, or character of his target.
Some Legislators hate them — apparently. They dream up legislation to hide public records.
They’re constantly proposing Iron Walls to whittle away citizens’ rights to public records. This week you will see newspapers across the country pointing out laws and bills that restrict access to public records.
But reporters, attorneys, private investigators do not have a monopoly on public records.
There’s a reason they are called “public records.”
They are yours. Paid for by your tax dollars. Court records, property records, the e-mails of your local mayor. The list goes on.
Just dream up the record you’d like to obtain. If you don’t know whether it exists just ask the city, county, state or federal agency for it.
If a government agency withholds a public record it is their responsibility to tell you why.
Good luck to you in your research!
(Kenneth Kramer is a private investigator and public records expert. His website,, a research division of DataSearch, Inc., has the world’s largest collection of public records on psychiatrists.)

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