Thanks to volunteers for trash removal on Teaberry Road

Published 8:45 am Monday, May 6, 2019

To the Editor:
Congratulations on an awesome job well done this past Saturday by very hard-working citizen volunteers of our region to clean up the illegal dumping on Teaberry Road in Roan Mountain! Our citizen volunteers picked and loaded three 40 Yard Roll-off Dumpsters with 17,520 pounds of illegal rubbish and garbage. Some of the items ranged from 12 five-gallon cans of what appeared to be paint solvent/thinner (very damaging to our water shed/drinking water and environment) TV sets, couches, a mattress, refrigerators, building materials, and other items too numerous to mention.
Keep Carter County Beautiful (KCCB) extends a special thanks to the following volunteers:
Benny Lyons, Carter County Solid Waste Director for providing three 40-Yard Roll-off Dumpsters; Commissioners Laya Ward and Patty Woodby for their great support; Commissioner Mike Hill for providing lunch from Smoky Mountain Bakers for a hungry cleanup crew after the cleanup; Tri-City Jeep Club Volunteers; Elizabeth Woodby, Awareness; Beverly Margle; and Appalachian Trail Hikers.
KCCB members are grateful for all the volunteers that truly have a passion for cleaner, greener communities, but most important is their passion in helping to protect our precious environment.
Remember, “Together We Can Make a Difference”!

Edward Jordan
KCCB Chairman

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