Writer speaks out against anti-Christian Equality Act

Published 8:18 am Monday, June 10, 2019

To the Editor:

It was good to see U.S. Rep. Phil Roe speak out against the Equality Act in the Elizabethton Star. I am against the anti-Christian and anti-parent Equality Act. The Democrat controlled House of Representatives passed the Equality Act which would change the Civil Rights and Fair Housing acts to include sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes. The bill would affect housing, education, credit, public accommodation and other areas. It also would expand the definition of “public accommodation” to include any group that provides a good, service, or program and make it illegal for anyone who is being charged with discrimination to invoke the Religious Freedom Restoration act in defense. All Democrats supported the Equality Act. Most Republicans opposed the legislation arguing it would remove constitutional freedoms such as religious liberty and conscience protections. If it became law it would prevent doctors, nurses and other medical staff from objecting to performing abortions. If they did they could lose their jobs. The media, Hollywood and the Democrat Party bow down to the pro-abortion and LGBTQ agendas. The good news is the Republican controlled U.S. Senate won’t even vote on it so it can’t become law at this time.

The Family Research Council is concerned about its impact on Christians. Their senior legal analyst Mary Beth Wadell said, “The current law in civil rights and the protected classes are inborn and unchangeable characteristics like race, ethnicity, national origin, age, sex, etc., and religion, which is expressly protected under the constitution. What the Equality Act does is it turns it on its head and allows the government to impose a belief system about sexual decisions and sexual behavior on the nation.” The LGBTQ will use this anti-science Equality Act to persecute and silence Christians in America who are against same-sex marriage and letting transgenders use any restroom. LGBTQ leaders have said after we get Civil Rights we will go to court and shut down churches. The Equality Act would make abortion and LGBTQ rights the highest rights and override parents and Christians rights. I agree with Dennis Prager, (www.prageru.com) it’s unfair to have transgender biological males competing in female sports and dominating women’s sports. This would cause women to lose college scholarships and would end female sports. According to Prager one transgender biological male boxing a female put her in the hospital in serious condition.

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The Equality Act is the kind of legislation that is no different from the laws that have said all must bow down to an evil king and worship him as god, or be put to death. We are commanded to bow down to the liberal (left) politically correct idols and say they are good and we celebrate them or lose our jobs. If the Equality Act becomes law Americans will stand before a liberal (eft) judge and he will tell us, “Homosexuality is good. Same-sex marriage is good for children. Transgenderism is good. Abortion during all nine months is good. Say they are good, or else.” Americans need to remember a far greater judge is soon coming and His judgments are of far more consequence. They are eternal. Judges and even Supreme Courts come and go, but Jesus alone is supreme on earth as in heaven both now and forever! Soon every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord! “Seek the Lord Jesus while He may be found. Call upon Him while He is near!”

D.D. Nave
