Former ECS board member questions board evaluation of director

Published 8:18 am Wednesday, August 7, 2019

To the Editor:
Recently, the STAR printed an article about the ECS Director of Schools evaluation. Having served on the board from Dr. Gardenhour’s hiring date, I requested the entire document. After reading it and thinking about previous evaluations, I wondered how much could have changed in so little time, even with two new members.
When we hired Dr. Gardenhour, funding for the new football stadium had not been completed. Dr. Gardenhour’s first task was to figure out how to make up the shortfall. Through his community involvement and advocacy as well as some very generous donors (Citizens Bank, the Barker family, and others, whose names are on a Wall of Honor plaque at the stadium), the funds were raised. His position and standing in the community have made a huge difference in support of the schools and subsequent projects.
Under Dr. Gardenhour’s leadership, ECS has become involved with the XQ Super Schools Project (the student-created Bartleby project), a national foundation whose goal is to create high schools for the 21st century. This involvement led to the largest grant ($2.9 million) in ECS history. EHS is now recognized locally, state-wide, and nationally for its programs, students, and teachers. Students have won and been involved in numerous state and national competitions and projects. ECS now has the only virtual reality lab in Tennessee giving students unheard of opportunities. Students continue to excel academically and be recognized for test scores, dual enrollment classes and early admission to post HS institutions. The teachers are sought after to attend and give programs nationwide and have been encouraged and supported in their progressive efforts by Dr. Gardenhour. He encourages exploration as well as feedback from staff members.
In the years I served on the board, Dr. Gardenhour constantly proved his devotion to and advocacy for students, teachers, and education. His communication with us was consistent and if/when we disagreed, he always researched an issue, discussed it with us and we would come to a consensus. If any of us had questions or concerns, he encouraged our feedback and always accepted constructive criticism and responded in a timely manner. Board policies were followed, adapted/updated to conform with TN policies and were always explained thoroughly.
He has had to make numerous and often difficult, divisive and unpopular personnel decisions, but this is always the case in positions of high administrative authority. Last year, after an exhaustive internal investigation and TN Comptroller’s findings, two longtime employees were terminated.
He knew the ramifications of this decision but proved once again that he does the necessary thing, not the expedient one. The board was constantly informed of all issues surrounding this decision. In small towns, especially, these decisions are often acutely difficult. These investigations must be made by the Director of Schools according to ECS and TN state board policy. Recently, a similar investigation was initiated by a new board member, clearly in violation of Policy 1.202#8 which states, “Board members must refer complaints to the Director of Schools and abstain initiating individual counsel and action in regard to staff members.”
When Dr. Gardenhour was hired, he stated that there “had been strife in the city school system in the past but that is over and is a closed chapter for all. All of our energies must now be focused on taking care of our students and each other and pushing ourselves to the limit on behalf of our kids.” I believe he has and continues to be, true to his word and continues to strive towards this laudable goal.
One comment on the evaluation reads that “If the community looks at the health of the (school) system and the opportunities provided for students, then they have to recognize these things happen because of a visionary leader.” Well said…and ECS is fortunate to have that “visionary leader” at its helm.

Susan J. Peters

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