Reader asks: What is happening to America?
Published 8:14 am Monday, September 16, 2019
To the Editor:
Watching the news media and the liberal politicians we wonder how could this be happening. When Donald Trump promised to drain the swamp we didn’t realize it was this bad. The liberal news stations and politicians have gone past imagination and any reasonable, moral or common sense standards. We have a president who has kept his word and stood on his promises. Made America great again. Stood on Biblical and moral principles. This has enraged the liberals of the self interest and the corruption that has been going on. They have no answer but to demonize the president. The president shows himself a person of character and is continuing his work for America.
We could make a long list of the nut-jobs running in the liberal media. If we get rid of plastic straws, airplanes, cars, and babies we would be better off. My opinion is that God put President Trump in as president. We need only look at the events that have happened. He has been persecuted beyond imagination, yet he has never let it bother him. He continues working for America. The entire system was against him. He made it clear he was not a politician. He ran against 16 Republicans and won. Beyond our understanding in his dealing with other nations. Should receive top award for his dealing with Israel. These people in the political positions running for president need to go out and get them a real job. President Trump has his faults, just as we all have, however, I think he has been done terribly.
Jim Troutman