Pickleball now playable at Elizabethton Parks and Recreation
Published 9:38 am Monday, September 30, 2019
- Contributed Photo Elizabethton Parks and Recreation now has the facilities for Pickleball, a cross between tennis, badmitton and table tennis.
Pickleball has arrived in Elizabethton as this popular, growing sport can now be played at the Joe LaPorte Junior Recreation Area at Franklin Pool.
Recent improvements to the tennis courts at this facility gave the Elizabethton Parks and Recreation Department an opportunity to add another outdoor recreational feature of play for the citizens of Elizabethton.
“This is something that we have considered doing for some time and are excited about,” said Mike Mains, Parks and Recreation Director. “We understood the growing popularity of this sport and wanted to capitalize on the painting of the two tennis courts by adding pickleball court dimensions. It’s a beautiful area for such a facility and our Maintenance Supervisor, David McQueen, and his Assistant, Garrett Johnson, did a great job with the upgrading of sidewalks into the facility. We were also very fortunate to have the help from the Northeast Correctional Complex in Roan Mountain, as they assisted with labor which saved the Department a considerable amount of labor cost.”
Invented in 1965, pickleball is a cross between tennis, badminton and table tennis. Pickleball is often played on tennis courts, but with the court dimensions being much smaller than the game of tennis. The sport continues to grow with 68% of all pickleball players being above the age of 60.
“Pickleball is one of the fastest growing sports in the nation,” said David Nanney, Recreation Manager. “It’s a sport that can be played at any age. Young and old alike are enjoying this game that many people have never heard of. We are excited to be able to offer Pickleball at our newly refurbished Franklin Pool Tennis Court area.”
The Department is also in the process of upgrading the lighting features at the two courts. The Joe LaPorte Junior Recreation Area is located at 1499 West Elk Avenue in Elizabethton, next to Sycamore Shoals State Park.
For more information about this sport visit www.usapa.org.