Betsy’s Best
Published 10:00 am Monday, December 2, 2019
By Sydnee McLellan
“No matter how much falls on us, we keep plowing ahead. That’s the only way to keep the roads clear.” — Greg Kincaid
Thanks to the good Lord, our lives are filled to the brim with inspiration. John R. McLellan is a talented musician, devoted mason, beloved father to me and my sister, and an inspiration to those he meets. John has endured many hardships in the past few years, such as illness, death of friends, and financial struggle, and tends to dwell on the consequences of his life’s difficulties instead of focusing on the lessons he has learned from them. Yet, John continues to push through these obstacles, even when he is faced with a seemingly hopeless situation. Despite his own hardships, John guides me through the difficult times in my life to the best of his ability. When I was a toddler, my dad would carry me into the ocean, hold me in his arms, and lift me above almost every wave. Even if I was covered by a wave, Dad would guide me to the surface and console me. My dad does the same thing in my life. John guides me through almost every obstacle in my life, and, whether by tough love or gentle guidance, helps me rise above the hardships in my life, stronger than I was before. Like Job, John is able to overcome every obstacle he faces, teaching and inspiring others in the process.
This story is part of a series of articles from Michael Grindstaff’s Language Arts Class at Elizabethton High School.
Students were asked to write about inspirational people in their lives. The Elizabethton Star is proud to share these with our readers.