Adoption is pro-life and pleasing to God

Published 8:20 am Wednesday, December 4, 2019

To the Editor:
Thanks to the Elizabethton Star for the beautiful uplifting story on “Adoption Day.” Congratulations to those adopting the 17 children. I’m sure there was a lot of tissues used for the tears of joy that day. Congratulations also to Ronda Paulson, Isaiah 117 House director, for receiving the Angels in Adoption award. Tennessee can be proud that we have the highest rate of adoptions. Adoption is pro-life and pleasing to God. Adoption is a loving act to the children and to God.
The Bible in Matthew 25 says, “In as much as you done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have done it unto me.”
The New Testament book of James tells us to, “visit (help) orphans and widows in their affliction and keep oneself unstained from the world.” God cares deeply for orphans and those without a family. (Deuteronomy 10; Psalm 68). God calls people to share this work and bring needy, vulnerable children the love of Jesus in word and deed. As Christians respond to God’s call to care for orphans and children without families, lives are positively transformed. Pray that there will always be more families waiting for children than children waiting for families.
Adoption provides a viable and real alternative to parents considering abortion. And pro-life views drive adoption. A Barna survey found Christians are more than twice as likely as other Americans to adopt a child. Christians started more orphanages throughout the world than any other religion. Christianity isn’t a self-focused religion. Every child deserves a chance to be raised in a loving home and benefits from a loving family. Sadly there are over 400,000 children in the American foster care system and 100,000 eligible for adoption.
Adoption is a central metaphor or picture of our salvation in Jesus. The Bible says only Christians are children of God. In Romans 8, Paul beautifully writes that those (Christians) who are led by the Spirit of God are “children of God,” having received the “Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, Abba! Father!” We Christians spiritually are no longer orphans but are by the blood of Jesus covering our sins and the Holy Spirit in us, “children of God” now and forever. Because Christians are adopted by God we can’t lose our salvation and thanks be to God, it’s irreversible and eternal!

D.D. Nave

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