New United Way report sheds light on struggling families
Published 9:11 am Friday, December 6, 2019
MURFREESBORO (AP) — On a typical weekday, Crystal Bush juggles sleeping a handful of hours between taking and picking up her pre-kindergartner from school. Some days she manages a nap before heading to her overnight shift as a medical technician.
“I’m exhausted. It’s awful,” said Crystal Bush, who works an average of 60 hours a week, including overtime.
Two weeks ago the 17-year-old car driven by her husband, Thomas Bush, broke down.
“We’re down to one car now,” said Crystal, wiping tears from her eyes. And there’s no room in the budget for a car payment.
Even with overtime, Crystal and Thomas Bush struggle to make ends meet in Rutherford County, one of the fastest-growing communities in Tennessee. But data published in the United Way’s ALICE Report paints a very different picture for some of the state’s most hardworking residents.
United Way coined the acronym ALICE, which stands for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed. The report spotlights the financial hardships faced by families who struggle with child care, transportation, adequate housing and cost of living.
ALICE data shows the cost of surviving in each county versus the cost of stable living for families of various sizes. Statewide, the data shows that to survive in Tennessee, you’ll need an hourly wage of $9.52. and to be able to afford to save money, you’ll have to earn $17.20.
The minimum wage in Tennessee, last raised in 2009, is $7.25.
The cost of living in Rutherford County is nearly 20% higher than the state average for some households, the report says.
“The main thing is that the basic cost of living significantly exceeds the federal poverty threshold,” said Meagan Flippin, CEO of United Way of Rutherford and Cannon Counties, adding that the poverty levels haven’t been adjusted in decades.
“The federal threshold is the same no matter where you live, San Francisco or Woodbury,” she said.
In 2017, the federal poverty level was $12,060 for a single person and $24,600 for a family of four.
For families in Tennessee, the overall cost of living went up by 23% from 2010 to 2017, compared to 12% nationally, the report says.
About one-third of Rutherford County residents are working full-time but still not earning enough to meet their basic needs, and nearly half of those in Cannon County are in the same position.
These families in the lower third of the population are teetering on the edge of financial catastrophe — and in some cases, even homelessness.
“This is a population that’s doing the right things,” Mary Graham, president of United Ways of Tennessee, said of ALICE households. “They’re working, maybe multiple jobs that are a bunch of hours here, a bunch of hours there. They have no health insurance, no public assistance, and they are literally one flat tire or one medical bill away from being poor.”
Nearly 70% of Tennesseans under the age of 25 are either in the ALICE category or living in poverty, compared to nearly 50% of those over 65.
While Crystal and Thomas Bush manage to keep food on the table and bills paid, they don’t have savings, which could serve as a safety net. But their lives are in survival mode, living paycheck to paycheck.
More than 40% of Tennesseans have no emergency funds, Flippin said.
Hard times and low income left their credit in shambles, so they can’t get a mortgage. Their tiny 60-year-old three-bedroom home in Murfreesboro is $850 a month, and eats up more than a third of their income. Crystal Bush said it’s the cheapest place she could find.
“We’re just kind of stuck,” Crystal said.
“Everything is run so tight, every minute has to be filled with something productive. It’s hard to be able to sit back and relax and enjoy the fruits of your labor. We don’t have a lot of fruit left,” Thomas said.
According to the ALICE report, the Rutherford County survival budget shows the Bush family should have a combined $22.88 in total hourly wages, but their income is slightly under that. They would need to make 44% more to have a stable household budget based on the report’s findings.
Crystal and Thomas Bush earn too much to get help and almost too little to survive, let alone thrive.
Single mothers like Quintina Waller of La Vergne face money woes alone. Although she has a job working in corporate America, a health crisis six years ago left her struggling to feed her child and pay bills. She had no backup resources to bridge the gap.
Waller has seen many other single parents face the same scenario.
Single mom Cyndee Ray of Murfreesboro works two jobs, often seven days a week, to support her two daughters. Rent for their three-bedroom house in what she considers a safe area is $1,200 a month, is more than half of what she brings home from her primary job.
“Cost of living is so expensive. Single mothers are doing everything on their own, often working two jobs. If your rent is $1,500 a month . . . a $15- to $16-anhour job is not enough. It’s ridiculous,” Waller said. “If anything happens, a car breaks down, you get sick . . . anything that can throw off the budget and you’re left scrambling.”
Her own struggles prompted Waller to start Hope Station, a nonprofit that helps single mothers who “fall in the gap.” Last year she helped 80 women “who can’t get help anywhere else.”
One of the biggest expenses for families is housing, which has skyrocketed in price.
Homes that rented for $850 a decade ago now run about $1,200, said Rutherford County real estate investor David Criswell.
An average 20-year-old 1,240-square-foot home with three bedrooms and a twocar garage rents for $1,500, Criswell said. Depending on the area, homes with more square footage and amenities, like upgraded appliances and fences, rent for upwards of $1,800 to $2,000 per month.
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development considers anyone who spends more than 30% of income on housing “cost burdened.”
The No. 1 request from potential renters is for small and cheap one-bedroom units. Building and labor, land and building materials make new inexpensive housing virtually impossible, said Criswell. But even new onebedroom dwellings average about $1,000 a month.
“It’s impossible to build or offer something new for $700,” said Criswell.
While the cost of living grows, wages paid by employers don’t necessarily adjust, the report says. More adults have roommates or live with their parents, and the number of residents living 65 or order is up.
Because of high rental prices, Criswell said he’s seeing multiple families sharing a house.
“You might have eight to 10 people living in a house built for four or five,” he said.
Apartments also have high rental rates, even the older ones.
Chelsea Place, built in sections between 1968 and the early 1970s, is one of Murfreesboro’s oldest complexes and rates start at nearly $100 more than the ALICE survival budget numbers. One-bedroom units are $784 to $898, and if you need a three-bedroom, rent is $1,345.
The Banks at West Fork, one of Murfreesboro’s newest complexes, has one-bedroom units ranging from $1,140 to $1,295 and three bedrooms for $1,710.
While there seems to be no end in sight for Rutherford County’s growth, Flippin hopes the data from ALICE creates enhanced employment opportunities, affordable housing and encourages people to manage money responsibly.
Now they have the information, Flippin said the next step is creating a plan to implement it. The United Way plans to spend the beginning of 2020 developing sharing strategies and then will begin sharing the information with community and interest groups.
“It’s about driving community impact . . . to reach high-level results,” she said. “We want to get this study into as many hands as possible. It could help improve wages for employees.”
United Way is changing its donations strategy, too. They’ve donated to various charities, making their impact “an inch thick and a mile wide,” Flippin said, but now officials are changing course.
They’re still developing a new donation plan but will zero in on specific areas of need rather than an organization’s funding request. Donors can still earmark their funds for specific agencies, but contributions left undesignated will fund the needs Flippin and her team deem high-priority.
Some of those high-priority areas include mental health, early childhood education, housing, obesity and the overall success of families. Pre-kindergarten readiness will be a focus in early 2020, she said, with specific emphasis on literacy, vocabulary and reading comprehension.
There are no plans for United Ways to band together on a statewide level, and they will continue operating in individual counties as normal, Flippin said.
“It will be an awareness opportunity,” Flippin said. “We don’t want to tell anyone what to do, but we want to give them something to think about.”