Quick day at the office… Elizabethton City Council makes short work of January agenda
Published 1:00 am Monday, January 13, 2020
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The January docket that awaited the Elizabethton City Council was short, sweet, and to the point, as the Council took care of their regularly scheduled meeting within the span of a half-hour on Thursday at City Hall.
After opening with prayer and the pledge to the flag and introducing Preston Cobb as the new City Finance Director, the 2019 December meeting minutes were approved unanimously.
Mayor Curt Alexander proceded by moving on to honoring the 2019 Blue Cross Class 4A State Champion Elizabethton Cyclones with a proclamation setting aside Wednesday, January 15th, 2020 as Elizabethton Cyclone Football Team Day.
“I just want you, players and coaches, to know how proud we are of you guys of what you have done for our community and for our city and East Tennessee,” Alexander said after City Attorney Roger Day read the proclamation.
“You all have done things that boys get up every morning and dream of doing and you have accomplished that and we are just so excited for you.”
Alexander also acknowledged Cyclone head coach Shawn Witten for being named the 2019 Tennessee Titans Coach of the Year.
In other business, the Council approved Elizabethton High School Athletic Director to fill an unexpired term on the Parks and Rec board.
Also, with the passing of Municipal Judge TJ Little, the board agreed unanimously to open up for Letters of Interest to be submitted by those interested in filling Little’s position.
The deadline was set for Friday, January 17th at noon for receiving the letters so the council can review in their scheduled workshop on January 21st with hopes of making an announcement at the February regularly scheduled meeting of who will fill the opening left by Little’s passing.
Council also unanimously approved a resolution to award the 2018 CDBG Water System Distribution Improvement Bid to Hayes Contractors, LLC.
The bid by Hayes Contractors came in at $391,618 which was well within the bids of the other companies that submitted bids for the project.
Also, the Council approved a resolution authorizing City Manager Daniel Estes to sign and submit a USDA Community Facilities Grant application seeking funds that could be utilized toward the purchase of a Triple-Combination Pump Fire Truck.
The grant would only fund a maximum of 35 percent of the purchase for the $498,000 fire truck. It was the hope that the grant could possibly result in $45,000 to $100,000 towards the purchase.
Estes did make the council aware that it would be best to prepare for a lesser amount but any amount would benefit toward the purchase.
With all business completed, Mayor Alexander adjourned the meeting.