God wants us to stay close to Him
Published 8:34 am Friday, July 16, 2021
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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: Since we cannot really “see” God, how can we literally walk with Him as the Bible directs? — W.G.
Dear W.G.: Walking always implies movement, progress, and direction. To walk means to place one foot in front of the other and to go forward one step at a time. If you stop doing this, you are no longer walking. You are standing still.
When children walk with their parents, the parents usually keep them close at hand to protect them. This prevents them from stumbling or slipping or running into danger. Parents generally want to guide the child and teach him or her how to anticipate problems ahead. This is what God wants us to do — stay close to Him.
This is the reason God commanded that we walk with Him. Doing so means we are moving forward in step with Him, confident that the way He is leading is best. Now, many people ask God to walk with them as they sprint through life, never consulting Him in prayer or reading the Bible — God’s roadmap to life.
We often do this because we are weak. We forget to look to our Guide. We stumble or get diverted, or get weary and stop moving forward. But that is one reason why the Spirit of God has been given to those who trust in Him. Galatians 5:16 could be paraphrased this way: “Walk by means of the Spirit.”
One of the highest commendations in the Bible is found in these words about Noah: “Noah was a just man, perfect in His generations. Noah walked with God” (Genesis 6:9). “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him” (Colossians 2:6).
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)