God is the Holy and Just One

Published 8:31 am Tuesday, November 8, 2022

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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham

Dear Rev. Graham: It’s hard to believe that all people will one day stand before God the judge. How can we really know that? — P.G.

Dear P.G.: The ancient Greek philosopher Plato said that the soul is always drawn to its judge. He reasoned that humans know instinctively that they will one day stand in resurrected form before God. People do not like to think of God in terms of judgment. But such an attitude is idolatry, an attempt to make God in our own image, as though we’re the ones who are right. The Lord knows the heart of men, and nothing is hidden from Him (see Luke 12:2).
People bristle at the idea of God’s wrath, as though He has no right to judge. If you were going before a judge to settle a dispute with another who wronged you and the judge decided in your favor, you would praise the judge and believe that justice was done, even for the one who was wrong. God is the Holy and Just One, and His judgments will be perfectly executed. These truths are hard, but they are necessary.
We love to talk about God’s Heaven, but we’re reluctant to mention God’s judgment. The whole Gospel is not proclaimed until God’s warning is given. The Apostle Paul said that he hadn’t held anything back in declaring the “whole counsel of God” (Acts 20:27). After he preached to the Corinthians that all will appear before the judgment seat of Christ, he said, “Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men” (2 Corinthians 5:11). This is a dramatic picture of the eternal judgment of God. “Eternal” means it will happen and it will be forever. The entire human race will stand before God — and He will keep His word.
We must all be ready to meet Him in the right way, by belonging to Him as Savior and Lord, and receiving His eternal blessing.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)

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