God is the giver of life
Published 8:14 am Thursday, February 9, 2023
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From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham
Dear Rev. Graham: My friend runs a home for unwed mothers. She wants me to help her but forbids me to share my faith in Jesus Christ as the One who forgives sin. She believes that living out the Gospel is accepting each mother who does not abort her baby and this brings salvation in God’s eyes. Just making people feel good about themselves by demonstrating compassion is not the Gospel, correct? Is there a way I can help my friend understand this? — Dear C.T.:
Dear C.T.: God doesn’t forgive everyone automatically. That would devalue the sacrifice of Christ on the cross for the sins of the world. Before asking for God’s forgiveness, each individual must first repent of sin, turn from a life of disobedience to God, and accept God’s salvation. He forgives, redeems, and transforms humbled souls. His salvation will not make the problems we create go away, but He does show us how to live victorious lives in the midst of difficulties and 1 Corinthians 9:17 is a great encouragement to all those who desire to share the message of Christ.
The consequences of sins we have committed in the past will not vanish. We have to pay the consequences for our foolishness and our refusal to obey God. King David sinned greatly when he committed adultery with another man’s wife but God forgave him when he truly repented.
God most certainly forgives unwed mothers and fathers — and all sinners — but His forgiveness doesn’t come cheaply. We must humble ourselves before Holy God. The salvation He offers mankind cost Jesus His life. The wonderful news is that while He shed His precious blood to save lost souls, He overcame death and lives today for the purpose of bringing new life to those who accept His work on the cross. God is the giver of life and every life is precious to Him.
(This column is based on the words and writings of the late Rev. Billy Graham.)