Wayfinding, yard signs and cleanup at last KCCB meeting of 2019

As part of Keep Carter County Beautiful’s final meeting for 2019, board members discussed further updates on their Wayfinding Grant plans.

County Commissioner Ross Garland said he spoke to Joe Johnson from FastSigns in Johnson City for some quotes for the displays they want to create.

“As far as the financial department goes, anything from $10,000 to $24,999 takes just a few estimates,” Garland said. “If you go above that, you have to have formal bids.”

He said the estimates he was hearing were well within that limit, which will save KCCB time and energy in the long run.

Garland brought sample designs of possible county maps to include on the new signage, which include markers for popular nature attractions, including Sycamore Shoals and the Blue Hole.

The board discussed potentially putting one of them in downtown Elizabethton.

“We would want our downtown brand based on it,” Main Street Director Courtney Washburn said.

Chairman Edward Jordan said he did not anticipate the project coming together until around May or June of next year.

Elizabethton City Council member Mike Simerly said the vote to approve a financial “pass-through” for donations went smoothly at their last meeting.

“We had the account set up already. We were a line item,” Simerly said. “Basically, it is a checking account.”

Jordan said he reached an agreement with UPS to produce yard signs for $6 apiece. They started with 10, but four have already been sold with another customer looking to purchase five.

“It is small money, but it is money,” Jordan said.

The committee also looked into details on their next replanting project, while also talking about maintenance on previous sites, such as Mary Patton Highway from last year.

“If you do not take every piece [of weed] out, every little piece will start growing again,” Ed Bascomi said. “It is horrible.”

The committee assigned Garland and City Parks and Recreation Director Mike Mains to determine a suitable date between now and the first of the year to do the project.

The Poga Road cleanup will take place this Saturday, Nov. 9, at 10 a.m. Participants will gather at the Volunteer Fire Department there. Those looking to participate will need to sign a waiver due to hazardous conditions. Those under 18 will need a parent’s signature.


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