Halloween in Elizabethton: where to go and what to see

Halloween is an event many children anticipate with bated breath. But with the vast number of events to go to, parents have to decide where to spend their time, while making sure their children remain as safe as possible.

Patti Whitson, of Edward Jones Investments, said hundreds of children roam downtown Elizabethton on Halloween night.

“We have around 400 to 500 kids who show up every year,” she said.

The downtown event runs from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

The children typically start on one side of downtown and make their way across to the other side, receiving candy from the various tables businesses showcase.

She said many businesses set up tables along the road for children to grab candy from, including the public library and Elizabethton Parks and Recreation Department.

“They have a D.J. and some inflatables for the children to play in.”

Many local churches also set up tables for children to visit.

“It is a way to give back to the community,” Whitson said. “And you do that by giving to the children.”

She said Elizabethton has hosted this Halloween event for at least the past 20 years, and attributes much of its success to the time at which it runs.

“It is during the day, so it is safe,” she said. “The kids can have a great time, and families can go to their church event later in the evening as well.”

Whitson said the weather will not impede the festivities; they will have tents and tarps to block out the rain should it come. The event will run from 3 to 5 p.m.

In addition to running tables downtown, many churches are hosting their own Halloween events as well for their communities.

Elk Park Christian Church is hosting a Fall Festival on Halloween night from 5 to 7 p.m. The church has several indoor and outdoor activities planned, so the weather will not stop them, either. Elk Park Christian is located at 220 Old Mill Rd.

Heartland Fellowship Church is also having a Fall Festival, on Saturday, Oct. 27, from 5 to 8 p.m. In addition to food and games to play, they will also host a costume contest with prizes to win. They are located at 211 Heartland Way.

Many other churches host Halloween or Fall events. Check with your local pastors and the church briefs in today’s paper for details.


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