Santa reads to children during library’s story time
Published 8:24 am Thursday, December 18, 2014

Photo by Brandon Hicks
Above, Brylee Russell, 3, tells Santa what she would like to receive for Christmas this year.
With Christmas only days away, Santa Claus took time out of his busy holiday schedule to stop by the local library Wednesday to visit with some of the library’s youngest patrons.
The children attending story time at the Elizabethton/Carter County Public Library got a special treat when the jolly old soul from the North Pole stopped by to say hello and read a special Christmas story to them.
Wednesday’s story time for the pre-school age group started just like any other as the children held a musical parade. The children marched around playing their musical instruments as Christmas music played in the background.
After the parade, Children’s Librarian Ashlee Williams asked the children sit down and told them they had a special visitor. Santa entered the room with his traditional exclamation — “Ho, ho ho!” — and the children began clapping and calling to him.

Photo by Brandon Hicks
In a change of pace Santa was offered the gift of a candy cane from Connor Garland, 2.
Santa spoke to the excited children for a few minutes before settling down to read them the story of Little Blue Truck’s Christmas, where the truck goes on an adventure to a Christmas tree farm and brings back Christmas trees for all of his friends.
Once he finished reading to the children, Santa asked the children to help him decorate a Christmas tree at the library. The children all gathered around and placed star stickers on the branches of the small tree.
After the tree was decked out, Santa talked with the children one-on-one to find out what they wanted for Christmas.
Williams said the activities were designed to help the children get comfortable being around Santa.
“They come up to him and he gives them a sticker,” Williams said. “It helps them get used to him being here before they sit on his lap.”