Latest Opinions


Election is a win for the military-industrial complex

BY CHRIS HOUSTON As I wrote this, the day prior to the presidential election, I already knew one ...


To restore faith in democracy, adults as well as kids need civics lessons

BY HANNA KANDERA & MICHAEL CARNEY In an era of political polarization and widespread civic illiteracy, an unlikely ...


Who will you make your next donation to and why?

BY DR. GLENN MOLLETTE – Churches raised $135.78 billion in 2021 (GivingUSA) – Churches in the US received 27% ...


Remember our veterans today…and every day

Monday, we honor generations of servicemen who have earned the title of American veteran. Like many nations, the ...


Bitter feelings for mean teacher persist decades later

DEAR ABBY: My elementary school teacher passed away recently. I hadn’t seen her in more than 20 years ...


Difficult to recognize a false prophet

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham   Dear Rev. Graham: It seems to me that even ...


Friend’s drunk dials are too much to handle

DEAR ABBY: I have been friends with a couple for 30 years. Both are alcoholics. They function, work ...


We can’t put ourselves in God’s place

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham   Dear Rev. Graham: Why does God put up with ...


Partner wants intimacy only with a third participant

DEAR ABBY: I’m in an open relationship with my partner. We both enjoy hooking up with other people, ...


Not everyone is called to be a missionary

From the writings of the Rev. Billy Graham   Dear Rev. Graham: I deal with people from many ...

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