Logging company helps county crew remove trees, improving visibility
Published 8:28 am Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Motorists traveling the Beck Mountain area of Siam Road now can enjoy increased visibility and a decreased chance of slick road conditions thanks to a partnership between the Carter County Highway Department and a local logging company.
“The logging crew was cutting on private property, and they asked about cutting on the county’s right of way,” Road Superintendant Roger Colbaugh said. “They told us if we did traffic control and would chip the wood, they would clear the right of way.”
The Carter County Highway Department then began working out the agreement with Scalf Logging and set up a day and time when both crews could be available. Department crews were at the site for two days last week to help clear the highway right of way, Colbaugh said.
Working with the private company to complete the project allowed the highway department to increase the safety of that section of the road, he said.
“We increased the visibility around the curve,” he said. “We are looking at the safety of the curve and that hill.”
That section of Siam Road is also notorious for being dangerous in the winter due to snow and ice and the curve has been the site of numerous wrecks over the years. Clearing the brush and trees from the right of way will help to improve road conditions during inclement weather, Colbaugh said.
“If you clear off the vegetation and shaded areas, the sun can get in and help warm the area to melt away snow and ice,” he said. Heavy brush alongside the road can cause moisture to build up on the roadway, creating hazardous icy conditions if the temperature drops, Colbaugh added.
With the removal of the brush around the roadway, Colbaugh said the road should not be as dangerous now during winter months.
While his crews did work with the project, Colbaugh said they remained on the county property and did not do any work on the private property.
“None of our equipment was off the road or off the county right of way,” he said.