Voice your opinions on water rates, more at tonight’s City Council meeting

Published 8:28 am Thursday, July 9, 2015

The public has a chance to let government officials know what they think about a revised wastewater rate and fee schedule, the setting of water rates through 2021 and the Elizabethton City Schools budget at the Elizabethton City Council meeting tonight at 6. A final vote will follow the public hearings.
Based on calculations of residential usage at 3,000 gallons, water and sewer bills would increase by 9.6 percent this year. That’s the largest projected increase over the course of the rate and fee schedule.
If approved, base water rates would increase by $2.50 during the 2015-2016 fiscal year and $1.50 in the 2016-2017 fiscal year. The base sewer rate would increase by $2 in 2015-2016 and $1 the following fiscal year.
An annual 4 percent water rate increase would last from 2015 to 2021. From 2016 to 2019, the sewer usage rate would increase 4 percent and 2 percent from 2019-2021.
“This will give us the funds to operate and repair the system over the next decade,” Elizabethton Utilities Director Johann Coetzee said.
The Elizabethton City School System approved its own budget May 21. If approved, the ordinance states that $23,686,595 would be appropriated for the schools system’s general fund. The federal projects fund is expected to see $1,524,819 and the school nutrition fund would be set at $989,900.
New items on the agenda include an agreement with Reedy and Sykes for Elizabethton Police Department renovations and additions, a TDOT contract extension for the Riverfront Linear Path project, including e-cigarettes in the Non-Smoker Protection Act, updates to building code permit fees, and approval of funds for nonprofit and civic organizations.
The Council will also consider and take action on budgets for the Elizabethton Municipal Airport and Golf Course.
Opening a bank account for Other Post Employment Benefits funds will also be considered on first reading.
Also, three Elizabethton police officers will be recognized for their work helping to save a man’s life in March. The Life Saving Award will be presented to Sgt. Patrick White, Cpl. Eric Buck and Officer Joe Holsclaw.

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