Auxiliary donates $2,500 to hospital
Published 8:19 am Thursday, August 13, 2015
Sycamore Shoals Hospital recently received a donation of $2,560 from the Sycamore Shoals Hospital Auxiliary, which will go toward the purchase of a new Dinamap device that reads a patient’s vital signs.
The auxiliary is a group of volunteers who staff the gift shop and do other helpful duties at the hospital like manning the information desk or baking cookies for family members.
The not-for-profit organization donates proceeds from the gift shops and from various special sales to benefit patients and their families.
“Every year, the auxiliary provides crucial things for us that help our patients,” said Dwayne Taylor, VP and CEO at Sycamore Shoals. “We appreciate not only the financial contributions our auxiliary makes to the hospital, but also the commitment of their time and talents.”
The Dinamap can obtain a quick reading of the patient’s blood pressure and heart rate, or can be hooked up to the patient to obtain continuous readings over prolonged periods.
Sycamore Shoals is in need of volunteers to assist families on nursing units and bake cookies for family members.
“Volunteers share their valued time with our patients and families, and in doing so, find that their own lives are deeply enriched,” said Lynnis Hornsby, corporate director for Volunteer/Auxiliary Resources at Mountain States. “There are so many ways to give back. Money is one way, but giving your time as a volunteer is also really important. If you want to help people, give the gift of time — be a volunteer.”
For more information about Mountain States Auxiliary, or to see about volunteering at Sycamore Shoals Hospital, call Sharon Sheppard at 423-542-1338.