Newly-formed Ruriteens to collect items for hygiene closet

Published 9:39 am Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Contributed Photo  Members, officers, and club advisor Mrs. Evie LaFollette of the new Elizabethton High School Ruriteens Club are eager to contribute to the betterment of their school and community with projects like the new hygiene closet.

Contributed Photo
Members, officers, and club advisor Mrs. Evie LaFollette of the new Elizabethton High School Ruriteens Club are eager to contribute to the betterment of their school and community with projects like the new hygiene closet.

At its charter meeting in February, the Elizabethton High School Ruriteens have already begun an initiative to collect hygiene products for area teens.
National Ruritan celebrities including 2016 Ruritan President Calvin Shelton, former President Norman O’Dell, 2016 Directors Gary Olinger and Joe Jaynes and two members of the Unicoi Ruritan Club (which sponsors EHS Ruriteens) attended the event, inspiring the youth of Carter County to a make positive impact locally.
Club advisor and EHS teacher Evie LaFollette invited these guests to demonstrate that national progress stems from local efforts,.
“The biggest thing that I want my students to take away from this club is that you don’t need a big organization to make a difference,” said LaFollette. “If you see a need, then take responsibility to help fill that need. One person can make a difference if you care enough to look around and identify what needs to be done.”
Students had been considering the needs of students at their school, and how they, as a 35-member body, could meet those needs. From this was born the concept of a hygiene closet.
“We are collecting donations of basic hygiene items such as shampoo, soap, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, laundry detergent, feminine products, and cereal/granola bars to provide to students in need,” said LaFollette.
Donations may be made at the EHS library, LaFollette’s classroom, or to the English pod.
Contributed Photo These types of items may be donated to assist local teens. Dropoff locations include the EHS library, Mrs. Evie LaFollette's classroom and the EHS English pod.

Contributed Photo These types of items may be donated to assist local teens. Dropoff locations include the EHS library, Mrs. Evie LaFollette’s classroom and the EHS English pod.

“I am so proud of this group of kids who really want to make a difference in their community,” said LaFollette.
Shelton, a Tennesseean, spoke about the importance of these types of initiatives in spreading the message of Ruritan: fellowship, goodwill and community service. Following these statements, he installed club officers: President Juston Cox, Vice President Vianna Isbister, Secretary Samantha Young, Treasurer Cara Silvers and Directors Sophia Peterson, Cory Getzsimmons and Sienna Brown. Officers meet on the first Thursday of the month, and the regular scheduled meeting is on the second Thursday.
East Tennessee Ruriteens have already earned national recognition, and 2016 Davy Crockett District Governor Jonathan LaFollette shared this news with the new EHS branch. He has been involved with the organization since he was in high school and recently attended his 20th national convention. He now teaches at Greeneville High School, and some students in his Ruriteen Club won National Ruriteen of the Year in both 2014 and 2015.
Evie LaFollette, a Ruritan member for more than a decade, said she believes her students have the drive, creativity and desire to improve their community that compose a successful and effective Ruriteen Club. One of her students, Alyson Roberts, has already created a slogan for their branch: “Ruriteen. You’re a teen; help a teen.”
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