Sanders wins over voters in Carter County; Trump, Clinton get state nominations

Published 10:11 am Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Star Photo/Rebekah Price Voters carefully selected their local and national candidates at Happy Valley Elementary School and at 21 other locations.

Star Photo/Rebekah Price Voters carefully selected their local and national candidates at Happy Valley Elementary School and at 21 other locations.

When the polls closed on Tuesday night, Carter Countians chose Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Bernie Sanders as the candidates for President of the United States, though Hillary Clinton ranked closely with Sanders.
Approximately 9,620 Carter County residents cast their ballots in the Republican Primary, and of those, 44.34 percent voted for Trump, totaling 4,266 votes. Ted Cruz garnered 2,352 votes, and Marco Rubio received 1,757.
Just over 1,600 county residents cast their ballots in the Democrat primary, where Sanders narrowly beat Clinton by a margin of 54 votes. Sanders captures 828 votes to Clinton’s 774. Though Sanders won with voters in Carter County, Clinton won the Tennessee nomination after capturing more votes across the state.
“I’d like to congratulate Secretary Clinton on winning the Democratic Primary in Tennessee,” said Tennessee Democratic Party Chair Mary Mancini. “Sec. Hillary Clinton did a fantastic job and put in the sweat equity that it takes to win our state, and she was rewarded. Sen. Sanders should also be proud of his campaign here. He has excited a new generation of voters and has brought them to the Democratic Party.”
And tonight there is another winner – Democrats all across the state who had two great candidates to choose from – candidates who are campaigning with heart, and offering smart, serious ideas for moving our country forward.
If national results mirror Carter County polls, voters will have a choice between Trump and Sanders. While the two share a few similarities regarding tax code reform, they have many significant differences when choosing their priorities.
These numbers represent both the desires and disappointments of residents as well as the progress they hope to see.
Local voters polled on Super Tuesday said they want reform, but just like the leading candidates, they envision differing goals.
County voter John Hughes said above all, he wants a leader that loves this country and wants what is best for it.
He believes companies should be penalized for sending jobs overseas, rather than employing American workers, and said the tax code unfairly favors these practices.
Trump has advocated setting the tax rate for all businesses to 15 percent, thereby incentivizing them to operate on home soil, rather than in countries with higher tax rates.
Donald Trump

Donald Trump

“I commend Donald Trump on a tremendous victory here in Tennessee and across the SEC primary states,” said Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey. “Trump’s campaign has electrified Republican and independent voters alike. But more than that, the Trump campaign is giving voice to frustrated and alienated Americans who had all but abandoned the political process. Trump is bringing important issues to the forefront and new voters to the party.”
Additionally, Trump has said his tax plan promises to eliminate income taxes for single Americans making less than $25,000, and to reduce the number of tax brackets from seven to four. Those earning more than $150,000 would be taxed 25 percent. His other platforms focus on reform in immigration laws, U.S.-China trade relations and veterans’ access to services, as well as protection of second amendment rights.
Trump plans to compensate for tax cuts by eliminating tax loopholes and most deductions for the very rich. He says they will be offered a one-time repatriation of corporate cash held overseas at a discounted tax rate of 10 percent, followed by an end to deferral of taxes on corporate income earned abroad.
Similarly, Sanders has discussed plans to achieve his goals by ending tax loopholes and tax evasion of large corporations.
Contributed Photo  Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination in Carter County.

Contributed Photo
Bernie Sanders won the Democratic nomination in Carter County.

He has said he plans to provide college education, healthcare and paid family and medical leave for all Americans. Also included in plans announced by Sanders are initiatives to improve infrastructure and transitioning more jobs to the renewable energy sector.
While many have uttered disbelief at the success of both Trump and Sanders in the polls, the message of the American people is clear: they want reform.
Carter County voter Laura Arnfield believes the only way that can happen is if the nation’s leaders work together. She said one of the biggest issues that the country faces is the inability of candidates to work together.
“I’m disappointed that so many of our leaders are continuing to promote a sense of fear and hatred instead of working together,” she said.

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