Citizens raise concerns to Roe’s office

Published 7:11 pm Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Star Photo/Curtis Carden                           Citzens voiced their concerns over the current presential administration to John Abe Teague, staff members for U.S. Rep. Phil Roe.

Star Photo/Curtis Carden
Citizens voiced their concerns over the current presidential administration to John Abe Teague, staff members for U.S. Rep. Phil Roe.

The conference room inside the Carter County Courthouse was near full-capacity Wednesday with multiple community members voicing concerns to staff involved with the office of U.S. Rep. Phil Roe, M.D. (R-TN) about the current Donald Trump presidential administration and how the representative feels on a variety of topics.
One key item brought up during the discussions included Monday’s resignation of national security adviser Michael Flynn due to talks with Russia about United States sanctions during the pre-inauguration time and reportedly misleading Vice President Mike Pence on the issue.
“There are a number of issues we’d like feedback on,” Kristi Carr, president of the Carter County Democratic Women’s Party, said following the meeting. “I think with what has happened over the last couple of days, with Mike Flynn and his resignation and in terms of communications ongoing prior to the election with the president’s campaign … we think there’s need to be an investigation.”
John Abe Teague, Roe’s district director, fielded questions from each of the citizens in attendance and stated that the representative met with Pence Monday to discuss healthcare and the issue of Flynn was not brought up at that time.
Along with Flynn, citizens voiced concerns over various nominations and current administration members including Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.
Citizens also raised concerns about a news conference following Trump’s meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu where the administration was worried about “fake news.” During the meeting, multiple citizens added they wouldn’t have known about the Russian incidents and other hot buttons issues if it wasn’t for the reports being made from newspapers and online outlets.
Ed Jordan, Carter County resident and 26-year member of the military, added that he was hoping to see the country come together and was tired of seeing the partisan politics. During the meeting, another citizen with a military history provided a letter to Teague and added that he had concerns over the immigration policies in place.
Other topics that were brought up during the meeting included healthcare reform, abortion, vetting for immigration, the Veteran’s Affair (VA) department, Trump’s tax returns and climate change.
Teague passed around a list for each citizen to sign so they could receive feedback from the office. Carr encouraged constituents within the First District to voice any concerns to either Roe’s office or contact the county’s Democratic Women’s Party at (423) 297-5552.
“Absolutely,” Carr said when asked about wanting Rep. Roe to possibly hold a town hall meeting within the region to address concerns. “That is something that we have requested.”
Carr went on to state that the county’s Democratic Party will hold a reorganization next month.
“We will have an ad placed in the paper for more information,” she said. “We will elect a new chair and executive committee. We’ve gotten great momentum this year since the election. We’re looking forward to what’s ahead and having the chance to hear back from Rep. Roe.”

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