From a dream to reality: Hyders sign to continue track and field career at Milligan
Published 6:06 pm Friday, March 17, 2017
- Star Photo/Curtis Carden Lady Cyclones Amy and Andrea Hyder signed in front of a packed house at Elizabethton High School Friday afternoon to continue their track and field careers at Milligan College. Pictured (from left) is mother, Debbie Hyder, Amy Hyder and Andrea Hyder. Back row includes coaches EHS Leslee Bradley and Mark Newman.
Joy would be an understatement when describing the emotions of Amy and Andrea Hyder Friday afternoon.
The Lady Cyclone seniors signed on the dotted line to continue their track and field careers at Milligan College during a special signing ceremony held inside the Elizabethton High School commons area.
Joined by friends, family, teammates and coaches, the sisters were excited about the opportunity of continuing their athletic and academic careers at their dream school.
“I honestly thought we never had the opportunity to do this,” Amy said with a smile. “Milligan has been our dream school. We’ve been wanting to go there since we’ve been in the fifth-grade. This is a great opportunity, we’re so excited.”
Andrea was quick to follow up her sister’s sentiments.
“This is such a great opportunity,” she said. “We’ve always wanted to go to Milligan and now having the opportunity to run again at the next level … it’s such a great feeling.”
With their ability to cross the finish line both on the track and in the classroom, EHS track and field coach Leslee Bradley praised the efforts of her seniors during the ceremony and added the girls will be able to flourish at the next level working under Milligan’s program – led by head coach Chris Layne. Bradley and EHS coach Mark Newman were on hand for the celebrate to honor the efforts of the duo.
“They always give it their all,” Bradley said about their attitude. “They’re always working hard and trying their best. They’re hard workers and just great girls all together.”
While the smiles were shared by everyone in attendance, another round of excitement is around the bend with Elizabethton High School holding their first home track and field in 20 years at the newly-christened LaPorte Track on Tuesday, March 21.
“There’s nothing like running on your home track, especially during your senior year,” Andrea said. “This is first time we’ve been able to do this, it’s a great honor and something we’re really excited for.”
Amy added, “We’ve never ran on our track like this before. We’ve practiced on it before but the make is going to fantastic. There’s nothing like running in front of your home crowd.”
Both of the sisters provided words of encouragement for underclassmen coming through the ranks looking to achieve their dreams with both telling their peers to never give up and to always keep God first.
“Never be afraid to communicate with your coaches, either,” Amy said. “They are always there to help you. And don’t be afraid to talk with college coaches, too.”