New Year, New You? Community offers ways to bust through popular resolution

Published 5:27 pm Monday, January 1, 2018

Once the clock strikes midnight on December 31, it’s often the start of  goals and aspirations for a new year.
With the start of any new year, resolutions often get batted around for those looking to change their lifestyles or looking to include something new in their lives.
But as each 12-month period passes, a pair of resolutions tend to take the limelight for residents across the country.
Information compiled from the staff of the website indicated that American adults tend to look at achieving a healthier lifestyle heading into the new year.
According to statistics provided by the site, 40 to 45 percent of American adults make one or more resolutions each year, with the top three being weight loss, implementing an exercise program and to stop smoking. Other popular resolutions included money management and debt reduction. also noted a trend of individuals sticking with their plans.
• 75 percent stick with their plans past the first week
• 71 percent stick with their plans past two weeks
• 64 percent stick with their plans past one month
• 46 percent stick with their plans after six months
It is nothing out of the ordinary for residents in Elizabethton and Carter County. Multiple gyms, including The Wellness Center – Elizabethton, often see their membership increase during the month of January.
Richard Garland, The Wellness Center membership coordinator, has seen it firsthand while working at the facility for the past nine years.
“We usually have between 150 to 200 new members by the end of January,” said Garland. “We’ve had some higher, some lower, but that’s typically been the average over the years. The week after Christmas is usually when it picks up. I’d say during that time we signed up around 25 people.”
Numbers compiled by do share similarities with traits at the Elizabethton gym.
“There are a few that drop off relatively quick,” he said. “But most of them, if they’re going to drop off, it is usually during the time when warm weather hits.”
Garland added that when the warm weather hits, some newer members often accommodate their gym experience with time outdoors, whether it be tending to stuff at home or attending events with family members.
But for those that get a little discouraged at the start, the coordinator offered some advice on how to get out of the funk and achieve the resolution.
“A lot of people do get discouraged if they’re just signing up to the gym,” Garland said. “Either they’re not seeing the results they want as quick or they may be intimidated on how the gym setting is. What I encourage is if you get discouraged when you start, hire a trainer. We’ll be able to give you a customized plan of what your goals are so that you’ll able to hit that mark. A lot of the time, people will set a long-term goal and try to reach it in a short period of time.”
Spending time working toward a goal is nothing out of the ordinary for Eric Doss. While there’s joy spending time in the facility, Doss knows the importance of staying in shape due to his involvement with Evolution Championship Wrestling, wrestling under the name Dick Stone.
“I know there’s some people who’d come in and maybe be intimidated by others,” he said Monday. “No one got there overnight. It takes work and I’d encourage them to keeping working hard.
“I was a chubby kid. Believe me, if I can do it, anyone can,” he added with a chuckle.
During the month of January, The Wellness Center is offering a $20.18 membership, as opposed to the normal $25 membership. The facility does not offer a yearly contract and goes by month-to-month basis.
For more information, contact the facility at (423) 542-9466.

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