United Way is a means of using small donations to make a big community impact

Published 9:08 am Monday, February 5, 2018

A sure way to know that you’re actually making a positive contribution in our community is to get involved with the United Way of Elizabethton/Carter County. For the second consecutive year, the local organization has met its goal with some dollars to spare.
It is encouraging to know that United Way of Elizabethton/Carter County is back and is on sure footing again after having struggled for so many years to make its goal, which was pared from year to year.
This year’s theme, “Give Me $5,” which focused on the concept that if everyone gives a little it will add up to a lot, proved to be a successful venture as there were many small donations, which helped make the $125,000 goal a success.
All of the money raised by the located United Way campaign stays right here in the community to support agencies that provide services for local residents. The United Way this year will be giving some of its resources to expanding the community garden and to begin a small lending library as well as a food pantry. United Way personnel are also working to bring needed services to the residents of the South Hills community, where the United Way offices are located.
Some of the other ventures that your United Way dollars help with are the Boys and Girl Club of Elizabethton/Carter County, the Boy Scouts, Senior Adult Day Services, the Elizabethton Senior Citizens Center, Personal Support Services, the American Red Cross, ARM, Contact Ministries, and the Carter County Neighborhood Service Center.
Through its far-reaching efforts, the United Way is able to help in practical, down-to-earth ways. Its efforts are proof enough that community-wide solutions require community-wide involvement.
Because of dollars given to United Way, many will be helped in small ways. If we didn’t have the United Way we would be faced with one campaign after another yearlong. One of the purposes of the united way of giving is to eliminate the many fundraising campaigns by charitable and other groups that create a drain on leaders and volunteers. That was the purpose when the United Way was started back in the 1950s.
Carter County and Elizabethton residents are fortunate to have the United Way. If you have not been touched by a United Way agency, most likely you know someone who has been. Through corporate contributions and the important individual contributions, the local United Way is a true neighbor-helping-neighbor endeavor. Your contribution helps so many — from small children to seniors.
Every dollar makes a difference and it provides our neighbors, our friends, and our families the help they need. Because of the United Way, our community is a better place.

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