Trusting God when you’ve been hurt

Published 8:49 am Friday, March 9, 2018

Often it is the case that people will be hurt by other people; many times those who hurt us are the ones that we love and trust the most. This is even true for the child of God. When pain and suffering come it’s easy to run away and trust no one. However, retreating from everyone is not a healthy move. Everyone needs someone in which to trust and confide. Those that you trust and confide in are the very ones who can help you through the difficult times and help you to rebuild again. Rebuilding after an emotional hurt is important and for this rebuilding to occur there must be a foundation. One can never give in to the hurt and distress that often occurs in our lives. Having one to rely on may be important in the future when trouble comes again. Obviously God can be our best foundation when it seems that there is no one else who cares. Paul reminds us that through Christ we can do all things (Philippians 4:13).
There is no doubt that if we place ourselves in social situations we will eventually face some pain. There is no escape due to the fact that we have families; work relations; and friends; with such diversity in our personal relations it is evident that each of us will one day suffer some degree of pain and hurt. Another arena in which we may face emotional hurt is within the bounds of the Church. Then the fact is that many people worship God in a corporate way. In our individual congregations there are multiple personal relations that must be dealt with and with each of these there is the opportunity to suffer emotional pain and suffering. But each person should remember that God is on our side. In Romans 8, Paul shows that Christians have a special life which involves the Spirit of God; that Christians can be heirs with Christ and that there is a certainty of a future glory with our Lord and God. He then reminds us in verse 31, that God’s love is everlasting. Paul said, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us” (Romans 8:31 KJV)? Regardless of the pain that may come in our lives, God is there; He is on the side of the Christian.
There is no doubt that the most important part of recovering from pain and suffering is remembering God is always there. However, there are other steps we can take to help in the healing process. We can confide in someone else, perhaps a mate or a close friend. We can focus on the suffering and pain of others which may minimize our own pain. We can do so by finding someone else who is suffering in one way or another and help them through their dark hours. There are many which practice self-denial; this too is a recipe for further emotional distress. Only when we acknowledge we’ve been hurt can we begin the healing process. As I mentioned earlier, we should look to God; we should reflect on our suffering with God and eternity in sight. This is often best done in the solitude praying to God. Finally, we often make mountains out of mole hills. It seems that human beings want to assume the worst in most situations. This will only drive us deeper into emotional trauma.
There is no doubt most people will suffer from time to time; but with God on our side we can prevail.
(Tony Hoss is minister at the Centerview Church of Christ, Elizabethton. He can be contacted at 423-737-2287 or by e-mail at

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