Larry Stamm Ministries present special passover service Sunday

Published 8:29 am Friday, March 23, 2018

The frequent overlapping of Easter and Passover — of the Christian Holy Week commemorating the resurrection of Jesus with the eight-day Jewish celebration of Passover — merits attention. Is there some connection between the two?
Larry Stamm of Larry Stamm Ministries will re-create the traditional Passover service and provide answers in a presentation called Christ in the Passover at Holy Mountain Baptist Church at 9 a.m. on Sunday, March 25.
Stamm will set a table with items traditionally used at the Passover meal and detail their spiritual significance. He will also explain the connection between the events of the first Passover in Egypt and the redemption that Jesus accomplished through his death and resurrection, as well as the deep bond between the ancient Passover feast and the Christian communion celebration today.
Stamm was raised in a Reform Jewish home in Florida, and became Bar Mitzvah at 13. He always believed in God, but like many in his religious community, his experience was mostly a matter of social and cultural events and traditions. It wasn’t until he came to know Jesus in 1987 that his Jewish heritage found a deeper meaning within the context of a personal relationship with the God of Israel.
It is that conversion, combined with a deep desire to share his story and his faith, that led him to found Larry Stamm Ministries, a not-for-profit organization that seeks to make the Gospel of Jesus a confident topic of conversation for every Christian.
To further his ministry he recently authored “Into the Gale: Twelve Evangelistic Lessons from the Book of Acts.” He says, “The first century church provides valuable lessons for twenty-first century Christians who are part of a culture where our faith is mocked, marginalized, and misunderstood. The radical countercultural message of the gospel is more relevant than ever.”
Holy Mountain Baptist Church is located at 3121 Ashley Street in Kingsport. Call (423) 247-1212 or visit for more information. There is no admission charge.

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