Marriage was blessed and created by God

Published 8:52 am Wednesday, June 6, 2018

To the editor:
June is the most popular month for weddings and everyone likes to see the wedding pictures in the Elizabethton Star. It was great to see in the Star, 17 couples getting their marriage licenses and only five getting a divorce. The Bible encourages marriage. “Who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord.” (Proverbs 18:22) Marriage is God’s invention (Matthew 19). God pronounces all his inventions “good” in Genesis 1. Every good gift is from God and marriage is a good gift from God (James 1). Studies show those who attend church have a lower divorce rate. Sociologist Christopher Ellison found that “men who attend religious services several times a week are 72 percent less likely to abuse their wife or girlfriend than men from comparable backgrounds who do not attend services.” Benjamin Franklin said, “Keep your eyes wide open before marriage and half closed after marriage.” Many say George Washington and Martha Washington had 41 years of great marriage because he constantly assured her of his love and she gave him respect. Men want respect and women want love. The Bible commands to only marry another Christian.
Associate Professor of Sociology Brad Wilcox said, “Marriage is a clear path to a better life. It always has been and we have plenty of data to confirm it.” Marriage has a positive effect on the behavior, emotional health, and financial well-being of adults, especially men according to Wilcox. Men who get married work harder and earn on average 20 percent more money than their single peers. Married men go to bars less and church more. Nobel Prize-winning economist George Akerlof said, “Men settle down when they get married; if they fail to get married they fail to settle down.” There’s evidence employers prefer and promote men who are married. Married men volunteer to work more hours and are seen as more dedicated and responsible workers and are rewarded with more opportunities to advance. Married men benefit from the encouragement and advice of their wives, who have an interest in their success. Despite all the benefits of marriage, the institution of marriage is in decline. In 1960, 72% of all adults ages 18 and older were married. Today, it’s only 49%. In 1960, the average age at which men married was 23. Today it’s 29. The consequences of this are negative across the income spectrum, but they are especially negative for those in the lower and middle classes. The federal government’s war on poverty in the 1960’s and 1970’s was also a war on marriage. To get the most welfare benefits the federal government encouraged people to not marry. So millions decided to live together. This also resulted in more abuse of children. A live-in who is not the biological father is 40 times more likely to abuse the children. The federal government is encouraging young adults to get student loans and get in debt which also hurts the marriage rate. The average cost of a wedding is $28,000 which also hurts the marriage rate. However, studies show those spending under $10,000 have the lowest divorce rates. Prince Harry spent over $4 million on his wedding.
With the 70th anniversary of the re-establishment of Israel on May 14, 2018 many prophecy experts believe the rapture of Christians and the beginning of the tribulation is likely during the full year long celebration before May 14, 2019. “They were marrying and being given in marriage.” (Matt. 24; Luke 17). Jesus’ prophecy about the condition of normalcy before the Day of the Lord (tribulation) couldn’t have come more clearly into focus than after the royal wedding last month between Prince Harry and Meghan Markle — perhaps the most widely watched and televised wedding in history. God is in control over all the details of our lives (Acts 17) including the details of this wedding. Prince Harry was 33 years old when he married Meghan Markle. Likewise, Jesus was 33 years old when He pledged Himself to His bride (the Christian Church) on the night before His Crucifixion. Jesus is also a prince, though the Prince of all princes. Jesus is taking a mixed Gentile bride like Mrs. Markle. The biological father of Meghan couldn’t attend the wedding because of heart problems. In the same way the unjust non-believers in Jesus can’t come to heaven because they have heart problems. Meghan was not given to Prince Harry by her own biological father, but by the groom’s father — the future king. Likewise, the bride of Jesus is also given in marriage by the Groom’s father, the King of the universe (John 6:37). Last month’s beautiful royal wedding pales in comparison to the cosmic royal wedding for Christians soon to come. Don’t miss it for the world!

D.D. Nave

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