Time to gear up for local Relay for Life event

Published 8:37 am Monday, June 11, 2018

The Relay for Life represents hope. It has a life-changing mission.
Through a variety of fundraising events, the American Cancer Society uses Relay for Life to increase awareness for cancer. These events include all-night walkathons, fundraisers, and candlelight luminaria to respectfully honor those lost to cancer.
This year’s Carter County Relay for Life will be held June 22 at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology Center in Elizabethton, beginning at 6 p.m. Events will continue until midnight. TCAT is located at 426 Highway 91 across from the Elizabethton Municipal Airport. More than 13 teams have registered for this year’s event, which has a fundraising goal of $70,000.
However, fundraising is an on-going activity, which begins soon after the all-night event is over and continues until the next annual Relay.
Tuesday evening, the Survivors Dinner will be held at TCAT, with doors to open at 6 p.m. and the actual event to begin at 7 p.m.
Relay for Life brings together communities to remember people lost to the disease, and honor those who have fought or are fighting cancer. The number of survivors continues to grow each year, which is a sure tell-tale sign that Relay for Life is working.
We’ve lost track of the platitudes and cliches that surround an event like Relay for Life. The number of reasons to participate in Relay for Life are as long as your arm.
We hope just one of those reasons will be enough to bring you out to TCAT on June 22 to take part in the event and be part of the effort to eliminate a disease that has proven stubborn to deal with for our medical community and devastating to the people and families who are afflicted with the disease in any of its many forms.
More than a local fundraiser, Relay for Life has global significance as we all learn of the impact that cancer — sometimes tragic, sometimes inspirational — has around the world. And it is that diverse impact that changes lives.
Through Relay for Life, we learn of caregivers who devote their previous time to helping those with cancer. We hear stories of survivors who want to share their hope. We understand the determination and drive of those battling cancer.
We all have been touched by cancer. If we have not had cancer, we know someone who is or has lost the battle. We work with people, attend church with some, and have friends and family who are battling the disease.
Aside from all the personal reasons that may mean something to you, but to no one else, there is a corporate reason for taking part in Relay for Life.
As a civilized society, we work together to set societal standards and rules. We work together to enforce them upon the whole of our society and we work together to change societal norms as the times change. As a society, we have a vested interest in defending every member of our group against outside perils, whether they are wildfires, criminals or a disease like cancer.
The fight against cancer may go on for decades but all lives are changed and made rich by Relay for Life.

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