Coalition offers free family support
Published 4:22 pm Monday, September 3, 2018
- Star Photo/Curtis Carden Local health professionals and other individuals listen in during a recent maternal health conference held at TCAT-Elizabethton.
In times of tragedy or discomfort, sometimes it’s best to just talk.
That’s the attitude Carter County Drug Prevention Coalition hopes to take in the coming days with the start of their family support group, which is scheduled to meet every Monday at 6 p.m. at the Coalition’s office on East Elk Avenue in Elizabethton.
Family health is a primary focus for Jillian Reece, CCDP executive director. Prior to her work with the organization, Reece helped spearhead various health-related events and initiatives at the Carter County Health Department geared toward families. Reece is also active in homeschool activities for children and their families.
But the focus of this group is to help families going through substance abuse issues, Reece said.
“I have families walk into my office almost weekly who are coping with how to best help their loved ones struggling with substance use disorders,” she added. “This group has been on my heart for awhile.”
Each Monday, the sessions will be free and open to the public. Licensed counselor Kim Freed will lead each session and Reece said Freed’s expertise will prove to be key for those that attend.
“Kim stepped up to lead it and I couldn’t be more excited for what she will bring,” Reece said. “She is an amazing leader who has both personal and professional experience in this area and will bring a real passion to this group that will benefit families in our community.”
The support group is just one of the different activities Reece has recently dabbled with to encourage family-based initiatives.
Various health-based organizations were able to present the inaugural Latched On convention in early August at the Tennessee College of Applied Technology – Elizabethton campus. Reece said the conference was something she had dreamed of over the years. During the event, families and health professionals alike were able to learn about different strategies to address issues ranging from child health to substance abuse.
“This event has been on my heart for a very long time,” Reece said following the event. “It has been amazing to see the way this has come together. To have both providers and moms in the same place is really awesome, honestly. It’s great to see the way the providers have interacted with the speakers and seemed genuinely invested in learning more so they can have more resources when working with mothers.”
To learn more about the support group or other family-based activities going on through the organization, visit the Carter County Drug Prevention Coalition Facebook page.