October is Pastor Appreciation Month

Published 9:03 am Wednesday, September 26, 2018

To the editor:
October is Pastor Appreciation Month. Not just in October but every month we should appreciate and honor our pastor the Bible teaches. The Bible says in everything give thanks. The Bible says in the last days people would be unthankful. The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5, “We beseech you, brethren, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you and to esteem them very highly in love because of their work.” God never removes His calling, so a pastor is never out to pasture. Pastors in nursing homes can pastor their nursing home. Churches can have their pastor’s pictures put in the Elizabethton Star to recognize and honor them.
At one time Christian pastors were the most respected leaders in America. Pastor John Witherspoon was one of the most respected leaders in the founding of America. Pastor James Garfield was elected president in 1880. As a result of major media and Hollywood demonizing Christian pastors and churches and America’s social and moral decay, respect for pastors and churches has declined to shocking low levels in America. Every year in American churches and their parking lots there are robberies, and attacks, some ending in death. A shooting at a church on September 24, 2017 in Antioch, Tenn., killed one and injured eight. It’s more important than ever to secure our automobiles, homes and even churches!
It’s most important to secure our souls. The Bible in Hebrews 10 says not to forsake going to church especially as you see the return of Jesus approaching. We can see the return is close with all the record earthquakes and record hurricanes. More and greater earthquakes are coming. It’s a dangerous time to live on a earthquake fault or on the coast. All Christians can get the Watchers Crown (Crown of Righteousness) given to all who watch for and desire Jesus’ return (2 Timothy 4:8).
A century from now it won’t matter what kind of house we lived in, how much money we had, or how many friends we had on Facebook. It will only matter that we repented (turned from sin) and had saving faith (turned to Jesus and trusted Jesus only as Savior and Lord) and believe the gospel that Jesus died for our sins, was buried and rose again. Call 1-888-need-him. Because having a relationship with Jesus is all that matters. There’s no other profession except Christian pastors touching people in such a vital way and with such lasting impact, since eternity goes on forever! In fact, God gives a Shepherd’s Crown (Crown of Glory) only to faithful ministers (1 Peter 5). All Christians are to spread the gospel and be soul winners and work for unity in the church.
Alexis de Tocqueville in his 1835 book on American society said the number one factor contributing to America’s success was the positive impact of Christianity and pastors! Even Charles Murray, an agnostic and libertarian in his book, “Human Accomplishment,” found that Christianity underlies most of human accomplishment in the world. For positive impact Jesus reigns supreme. After the soon coming seven-year tribulation Jesus will reign here on earth as our eternal king of kings and lord of lords!

D.D. Nave

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