Writer: Too many drug and alcohol-related problems without adding downtown bars

Published 10:25 am Wednesday, November 7, 2018

To the editor:
Records from the Elizabethton STAR and Johnson City Press — Feb. 3, 2018 through Nov. 3, 2018 — court cases, and taking into account four categories only, show 1,418 driver’s licenses either revoked, suspended, or no license at all; 527 cases involving drugs; 126 probation violations, and 238 DUIs or public intoxication charges.
These four areas total 2,309 cases and that is just for nine months, and that is not all the cases the court hears, just 39 weeks worth. THINK ABOUT IT!
Now, the question has been brought before the City Council about having bars downtown so that the police will just have more to contend with. Remember your child, young or older, may be on the street. I remember when my uncle had a bar in this town.
It is now about booze, it’s drugs or drunks. Let’s hope it is not someone you love that never makes it home because your vote and influence couldn’t take the time to stop and tell them NO. We have enough problems with drugs and courts that give back traffic offenders their licenses without paying fines. I have seen offenders with as many violations as 12 for a suspended license.

J. Clark

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