Thanksgiving celebration attendees express appreciation for salvation Jesus provides

Published 3:00 pm Friday, November 23, 2018

By Greg Miller © 2018
Thankful Tex, also known as the The Thanksgiving Guy, was one of the most well-known fellows in his community.
The Thanksgiving Guy enjoyed being a celebrity of sorts, but his biggest thrill came from being a positive factor in helping people recognize the need to be thankful year round, not just on Thanksgiving Day. “God blesses each of us in a big way every day, so I think we need to thank Him daily for his manifold blessings to us,” said The Thanksgiving Guy.
The Thanksgiving Guy attended a celebration with a group of co-workers to celebrate the annual November holiday. At the entrance of the site hosting the gala, was a huge sign reading, “Entry to the dinner is free, but all who enter must shout loudly the thing in life for which he or she is the most thankful.”
Thinking for a brief moment, The Thanksgiving Guy’s eyes lit up and he declared loudly, “I’m thankful for salvation through the Lord Jesus Christ!”
“Enter the banquet, sir!” Greeter Gail replied. “Your declaration of thanks for salvation is accepted as your ticket of entry. Please enjoy your meal, and I hope you have a great time!”
The Thanksgiving Guy, with a twinkle in his eye, said, “Thank you, Gail. I’m sure it will be one of the greatest highlights of this holiday season.”
Next in line to enter the banquet hall was Girard, who thought continually of the Lord Jesus Christ. Like The Thanksgiving Guy, Girard was the most thankful for the salvation he had in Jesus. “The salvation Jesus provided for me on Calvary!” he exclaimed.
Grace walked up to the entrance with a huge smile on her face. “I’m thankful for my husband and children and our salvation in Jesus!” she shouted.
Gloria was thankful for having the day off work, because the retail store for which she worked was open for the holiday, gunning for a sales record. “But because of the years I’ve worked there, I have the holiday off,” she said. Gloria then loudly proclaimed, “Thankful for the Blood of Jesus that’s over my life!”
The banquet hall was nearing capacity. Tables with a total of 100 chairs had been reserved for the Thanksgiving celebration, and the time to begin the event had come.
Gina and her husband Gabriel were the last to arrive. In unison, the couple shouted, “Thank God for His omnipotence, omni-presence and omniscience!”
In a much lower tone, Gina said, “I also thank the Lord for my husband, Gabriel. He’s so down to earth, and yet with a name like Gabriel, he is so much like an angel!”
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