Valentine’s Day is couple’s favorite holiday

Published 9:04 am Friday, February 8, 2019

George and Grace loved to celebrate Valentine’s Day.
Valentine’s Day, in fact, was their favorite holiday. George reminded Grace, “On our first date, I took you to what is now our favorite burger restaurant.”
“Yes, I remember,” Grace recalled with a smile. “We sat and talked and ate ’burgers for almost two hours.”
“It was one of the most memorable times of my life,” George grinned. “By the time I took you back to your home, I knew I wanted to spend much more time with you.”
“I know exactly what you mean,” Grace said. “Even then, I was beginning to think, ‘This might be a match made in heaven.’”
Although the couple had now been married for 25 years, their love hadn’t diminished, but had rather greatly grown. “I’m glad the Lord brought us together,” George said. “We’ve enjoyed many times of praising the Lord, and we’ve both grown spiritually. It’s been great.”
“I’m glad, too,” Grace responded. “And I’m glad we decided early in our relationship that we would always place God first in our individual lives and in our marriage.”
“It’s one of the best decisions we ever made,” George acknowledged.
Each year, the church George and Grace attended hosted a Valentine’s Day Banquet for all of the congregation’s married couples. “It’s a great way for the couples to annually renew their love for and commitment to each other,” he told his wife.
The church’s minister, Pastor Val N. Tine, and his wife, had been married for 50 years. “We love each other more today than we did on our wedding day,” said Mrs. Val N. Tine.
After each banquet, Pastor Val N. Tine taught a short class about how to keep marital love fresh and growing. He then administered a brief test, followed by a humor presentation. “A home full of laughter is always filled with love,” he advised.
Pastor Val N. Tine’s humor presentation was followed by a presentation of humor by one of the couples in attendance. Victor and Victoria volunteered for the humor presentation.
As they were preparing to conclude their presentation, Victor said, “It’s easy to keep our home filled with laughter. One look in the mirror is all it takes for me to start laughing.”
“That’s right,” Victoria agreed. “And if I look at him in the mirror at the same time he does, we’re probably going to be awake all night laughing at ourselves!”
(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements (in the U.S.), including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please email, or, with “Rays of Son” or “Request Speaking Engagement” in the subject line.)

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