10-year-old feels called to preach

Published 8:23 am Friday, July 26, 2019

Dawson, a 10-year-old lad who enjoyed public speaking, felt God’s call to preach.
Most of Dawson’s waking hours were spent reading the Bible, praying and listening to Christian music. However, Dawson wasn’t satisfied with his level of commitment, so he decided to take his relationship with the Lord to a new and higher plane.
“I would like to have a much deeper relationship with you,” Dawson prayed. “I want to know your will for my life, and I really would love to become a missionary, so I am asking if that is your will for my life, for me to start having dreams on a regular basis…dreams in which I preach the gospel to people in many different settings.”
Dawson added a short prayer to his nighttime ritual before going to sleep. Each evening, he read Matthew chapter 19, before saying his prayers, focusing on verses 13-15 … “Then were there brought unto him little children, that he should put his hands on them, and pray: and the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven. And he laid his hands on them, and departed thence.”
“I’m a little child, Lord,” prayed Dawson, “and I realize I can do nothing without your help, especially when it comes to preaching your Word. So fill my heart with a desire for your Word and empower me with your strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen!”
Dawson soon began having dreams in which he preached the good news of Jesus the Christ. In Dawson’s first dream, he was speaking to the entire student body at his school. He was speaking on the topic, “When I Grow Up, I Want to be….,” as part of a monthly series, in which various students shared their hopes for a future career.
The next night, Dawson dreamed he was a missionary in a foreign country, sharing the good news of Jesus with that nation’s residents. In his dream, he spoke at school assemblies, church services and home Bible studies.
The following night, Dawson dreamed he was sharing the gospel with his mom and dad, neither of whom were Christians. Two days later, as the family was finishing up their evening meal, Dawson asked his dad, Daniel, and his mom, Danielle, if they would like to accept Christ into their hearts. Both of Dawson’s parents prayed for forgiveness and asked Jesus to become their savior.
Dawson breathed a silent prayer of thanks. “Father, thanks for all your blessings, especially for my parents. Thank you for your call as a missionary. And thank you that I have a few more years left to be a kid!”
(To contact the writer of this column about speaking engagements (in the U.S.A.), including Christian Comedy Fundraising Outreaches, Christian Creativity Seminars and/or puppet ministry, please type “Speaking Engagements” in the subject line and e-mailraysofson@gmail.com, kidcool4jesus@yahoo.com orministry4jesus@yahoo.com.)

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