Cheerleader Spotlight

Published 12:01 am Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hayley Hood – Elizabethton High School


Ice Cream: Vanilla 

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Food: Pizza & anything chocolate 

Genre of Music: Rap & Pop

Music Group: Prettymuch 

Song: You Need to Calm Down by Taylor Swift 

School Subject: Biology 

Teacher: Mrs. Wagner 

Place to Shop: American Eagle 

Color: Blue

Sport: Cheerleading

Cheer: “Hey Cyclones, Get fired up” 

Flowers: Sunflowers 

Television Show: The Office 

Car: Jeep

Name of Parents: Scott & Deanna Hood

Siblings: No siblings 



When I graduate I want to: Attend college.

The thing I love most about cheerleading is: I love cheering at football games, the band & the Cyclone fans cheering along with us is so fun.

Cheerleading has taught me: To be a team player while also gaining leadership skills.

My advice to girls who want to be cheerleaders: To always have a smile on your face, whether the team wins or losses.

I love my school because: EHS offers so many opportunities to get involved.

My most memorable moment as a cheerleader: Rushing onto the field after a big win in a game.

The person who has motivated me the most is and why: My parents, they always motivate me to do my best.

If I could change one thing in the world it would be: No more violence.