TN Day of Prayer, Humility and Fasting is Thursday

Published 8:36 am Wednesday, October 9, 2019

To the Editor:
Thanks to Tennessee Governor Bill Lee for declaring October 10, 2019 a “Day of Prayer, Humility and Fasting.” Governor Lee said, “We know that prayer accomplishes much.” He said, “Prayer strengthens our families and it strengthens our communities. It strengthens our relationship with our neighbors. It strengthens our relationship with God himself.” Governor Lee and his wife are inviting the people of Tennessee to pray for the state on October 10 to request “God’s favor and blessing on the people of Tennessee.” The proclamation thanks God for the many blessings in Tennessee — the Smoky Mountains, the Mississippi River and its people — and request forgiveness for “transgressions” including for “acts of discrimination, oppression and injustice.” The proclamation further asks God for wisdom for “challenges” ahead. Thanks to the Elizabethton Star for doing the important job of keeping the public informed about what our lawmakers are doing.
The Bible in 1 Timothy 2 says, “pray for kings and for all that are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” With all the troubles and turmoil in our nation we need to pray for President Trump and Governor Lee so we will have a “peaceful life.” Christians need to use every opportunity such as the Tennessee Day of Prayer, Humility and Fasting on Thursday, October 10, to cry out with one voice for our nation, for our state, for our leaders for revival to sweep our land. Christians must cry out to Jesus for revival for our nation and state and a outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our churches. Right after the governor said he was going to declare a day of prayer we got the best rain we have had in six weeks. September was the second hottest and driest ever recorded in upper East Tennessee. We need the Holy Spirit to rain down. The presence of the Holy Spirit is the one essential aspect of all revivals. The Holy Spirit will not be around evil people who are selfish, arrogant and violent. The Holy Spirit will be around those who are humble and worship and love Jesus. The man God was closest to and was a friend of was the most humble person alive, Moses. C.S. Lewis said, “humility isn’t thinking lowly of yourself. Humility is not thinking of yourself at all.” Fasting makes us more humble and medical studies also found fasting as also beneficial to our physical health.
Those living in Sodom are the last to know they are living in Sodom. “You can ignore reality but you can’t ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Christians throughout the world have been burdened to pray for America and come as missionaries to America. We need to pray for those Christians being persecuted. The International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church is next month. See or Unless revival occurs in America it will be more tolerable for Sodom than America during the coming judgment and tribulation because Sodom had no Bibles. Only Jesus can save America and each of us from the wrath to come! Serious troubles and challenges call for serious prayer. We need it, our families need it, our state and nation need it. Spend more time on your knees with the One who loves you most, Jesus!

D.D. Nave

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